The ANME is one of Australia’s leading repositories of historical education documents including textbooks, artifacts, journals, teaching materials, award certificates and colonial/state education policy documents. We always welcome physical and/or digital contributions to our collection.
Donations and bequests
Funding ANME
ANME is supported by its host institution, the University of Canberra, and its school museum members. The development of the ANME has also benefitted from the generosity of individuals. Our vision for ANME requires funding on a much more substantial scale than is currently available.
Donations, of the monetary kind, are crucial to our further development. Financial support can be of a general nature or specifically to fund a particular event, project, or initiative. We would love to hear from you to discuss your ideas.
You are invited to remember the museum through a financial legacy. The Director, Dr Malcolm Beazley AM will contact you personally to discuss how your gift would be best recognised.
If you would like to help us realise our vision, to celebrate Australia’s educational heritage, and see ANME ranked alongside our other great cultural institutions, galleries, and museums then, please, contact us by clicking on the button below and completing the online form. We are sure to get in touch.
Discover ANME

Australian National Museum of Education
Building 5, Level A, Room 5A4
University of Canberra
+61 02 6201 2473