Friends of ANME are a crucial part of our efforts to record Australia’s educational history. People are contributing in various ways — by locating educational archival material, documenting and digitising our collection, and by spreading the word.
Contribute to ANME
We need your support
The ANME belongs to the people of Australia. And with support, we can continue to develop the museum into the national icon we all deserve. There are so many ways to contribute to ANME.
If you are a member of a school museum check if it is listed and consider joining our network.
As an individual, there are many ways to contribute. You may have an artefact of national significance. We’d love to hear from you and help you make that assessment.
ANME operates with the institutional support of the University of Canberra, but volunteers provide the perspiration. There are roles aplenty for volunteers in Canberra and across our distributed network. Consider becoming a ‘Friend of ANME’.
Financial donations and bequests are always welcome. Our vision for ANME requires funding on a much more substantial scale than is currently available.
If you would like to help us realise our vision to have Australia’s educational history appropriately preserved, then please get in touch.

Become an ANME School Museum member
ANME membership is offered to those school museums that wish to join the Register and enjoy its benefits. Information about the process for joining ANME is found on our ANME Membership page.

Donations and bequests
The development of ANME has benefitted enormously from the generosity of individuals. Please consider supporting the work of the ANME with a financial contribution.

Share your story, photos or memorabilia
ANME is always seeking historical schooling stories, photographs and memorabilia to add to our collection.

Discover ANME

Australian National Museum of Education
Building 5, Level A, Room 5A4
University of Canberra
+61 02 6201 2473