ANME publications are available to purchase for $30.00 (includes postage and packaging.) Cheques must be made payable to the Australian National Museum of Education. Copies will be mailed or may be collected from the ANME Office, Room 5A4, Building 5, University of Canberra, ACT.
ANME research projects
Research projects
ANME is an outstanding source of research material on the history of education in Australia. Representatives from schools and school museums, academics from interstate and overseas, and students from the University of Canberra and beyond make use of the ANME resources for research and scholarship.
Current research priorities
ANME undertakes research with the help of our volunteer community. Our current research priorities include:
- Early Colonial Teachers
- Teachers as writers of textbooks
- School museums in Australia
- Early pedagogy in Australia
To ensure that researchers discover what they need we are constantly working to digitise our collection, maintain our registers of holdings, and expand the representation displayed on our eHive platform. Our student volunteers are creating a ‘Must See’ catalogue.
The Museum also sponsors research using the collection to focus on projects of national significance for the history of education in Australia.
Past research contribution
Our research efforts inform the content of regular exhibitions, support our lectures and workshops, and have led to the production of several significant resources, including:
Schools, Students and World War I: A Commemorative Display
From the Centre to the Periphery: Thinking Historically with ACT Educational History
Mowbray House Sydney: Reflections: A case study of a Sydney North Shore Boys’ Preparatory School, 1906 – 1954
The First School Teachers and Schools in Colonial New South Wales 1789-1810
Discover ANME

Australian National Museum of Education
Building 5, Level A, Room 5A4
University of Canberra
+61 02 6201 2473