ANME membership is offered to those school museums that wish to join the Register and enjoy its benefits. Information about the process for joining ANME is found on our ANME Membership page.
National Registry of School Museums
ANME member gallery
Local history museums across the nation hold a wealth of archival material that preserves the historical record of Australian schooling. In keeping with our mission ANME is bringing together these museums in a national network to support their activities and promote the valuable resource that they represent.
By joining ANME, a school museum joins the National Register of School Museums.
ANME promotes this national network and the distributed national collection that they house. In the pages below we bring together, virtually, archival material held in schools and school museums throughout Australia. ANME values our connection to local historical societies that have contributed to this resource.

Australian National Museum of Education
Building 5, Level A, Room 5A4
University of Canberra
+61 02 6201 2473