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Dates and Times

04 September 2024
19:30 - 20:30


Address: Zoom Link


UC Sport Strategy


David Pyne (UC)
Molly Highfield (UC)
Richard Lancaster (Swansea)

Swansea University - University of Canberra Sports Partnership – Webinar

Swansea University - University of Canberra Sports Partnership – Webinar

WHEN: Wednesday 4 September 2024

TIME: 7.30pm (AEST) / 10.30am (BST)


  • Evaluation of predictive models for Olympic swimming performance – Paris 2024,David Pyne (Emeritus Professor, University of Canberra)
  • Co-designing Female Talent Development Research in Olympic Pathways with Australian Sailing, Molly Highfield (PhD candidate, University of Canberra)
  • An introduction to the National Network for Innovation in Sport and Health (NNIISH), Richard Lancaster, Senior Communications, Relationships and Business Development Manager, Faculty of Medicine Health and Life Sciences, Swansea University

This webinar will be held via Zoom:

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