The Office of the Chancellor supports the good governance and management of the University.

The University of Canberra is governed by its Council which is established by the University of Canberra Act 1989 (ACT). The powers of the Council are established in section 10 of the Act.
The council is committed to good governance and creates the basis for management excellence by developing the University's mission statement, setting the strategic direction and approving the annual budget. It is responsible for ensuring the systems and processes to direct and control the University's operations are in place and working effectively. In addition, the Council fosters a culture that allows the University to deliver outcomes that are in line with its mission and strategic goals to all stakeholders.
The council is chaired by the Chancellor and advised by its committees, including the Audit and Risk Management Committee, Finance Committee, Investment Committee, Legislation Committee, Nominations and Senior Appointments Committee, and Planning and Development Committee.
The Academic Board is responsible under the Council for all academic matters relating to the University; and may advise the Council on any matter relating to education, learning, research or the academic work of the University.

University Council
The Council has the entire management of the University and is to act in all matters concerning the University in the way it considers will best promote the interests of the University.

Academic Board
The Academic Board is responsible under the council for all academic matters relating to the University.

Honorary appointments
From a diverse range of backgrounds, our appointees have been recognised for their excellence and contribution to academia, industry or the community.

Modern slavery
The University aims not just to meet our legal obligations, but to remain accountable and engage in ethical business practices. The University is strongly committed to identifying and addressing any modern slavery risk in our operations and supply chains.
The University of Canberra is governed by its Council which is established by the University of Canberra Act 1989 (ACT). The powers of Council are established in section 10 of the Act.
Council creates the basis for management excellence by developing the University's mission statement and setting the strategic direction, as well as approving the annual budget. It is responsible for ensuring the systems and processes to direct and control the University's operations are in place and working effectively. In addition, Council fosters a culture which allows the University to deliver outcomes in line with its mission and strategic goals to all stakeholders.

Office of the Chancellor
The Office of the Chancellor supports the good governance and management of the University.

University Council
The Council has the entire management of the University and is to act in all matters concerning the University in the way it considers will best promote the interests of the University.

Academic Board
The Academic Board is responsible under the council for all academic matters relating to the University.

Honorary appointments
From a diverse range of backgrounds, our appointees have been recognised for their excellence and contribution to academia, industry or the community.

Modern slavery
The University aims not just to meet our legal obligations, but to remain accountable and engage in ethical business practices. The University is strongly committed to identifying and addressing any modern slavery risk in our operations and supply chains.

For all enquiries, please contact the secretariat.
University of Canberra
11 Kirinari Street
Bruce ACT 2617