An immediate family member of a current or ADF member can submit a direct application through the Veteran Tertiary Support Program instead of applying through the University Admissions Committee (UAC) process.
Immediate family members pathway
We recognise the significant contributions that ADF's immediate family members make to our university and the broader community. The resilience, adaptability, and diverse experiences are invaluable. We provide a welcoming and inclusive environment for ADF family members, offering tailored support services facilitating a smooth transition into university life and supporting the achievement of educational goals.
As a partner, spouse or child (immediate family) of a former or current ADF member, you can access the support services available through our Veteran Tertiary Support Program and apply for direct entry to all our courses.
Applications from immediate family members of former and current ADF members are assessed case-by-case, typically requiring the related defence member to have served for a minimum of two years.
For further eligibility information, contact the University’s Future Student Team.
Current defence members' immediate family who register with the Veteran Tertiary Support Program, can access benefits and support while studying with us.
- The InclusionUC team will provide you with specialised one-on-one support and information to facilitate equal participation in your educational journey specific to your situation.
- Free counselling services through the UC's Medical & Counselling Centre.
- Access to the Veterans and Families Club which aims to provide social connection and peer support for former defence members and their immediate family members studying at UC to feel connected with each other and with the University as a whole.
- Access to Student Wellbeing and Support who will help you settle into study as seamlessly as possible via a range of tailored events, initiatives and programs. These include UC’s successful Student Mentor Program, accommodation and financial support, access to Legal Aid on campus, regular support pop ups and an array of activities at O-Week.
- An individual consultation with Study Skills to help ensure you cultivate the skills and confidence that will lead to study, and know where to seek support if you need it.
- Access to the UC Student Mentor Program which is designed to ease you into your study journey in a fun and supportive way. Your UC Student Mentor will provide individual support throughout your first semester, answering your questions and helping you make connections.
- Access to Five2Study resources which can help you successfully transition from Defence to civilian life, get the best out of your studies, and help address any transition stress.
- Free health services through the UC's Medical & Counselling Centre.
- Subsidised physiotherapy, optometry, nutrition and dietetics, exercise physiology, occupational therapy and counselling/psychology services through the UC Health Clinics. The UC Health Clinics offers client-focused health consultations and classes.