Research Cluster for Digital Inequality and Social Change
Faculty of Science and Technology
University of Canberra ACT 2617

RC DISC departs from silo-based research at this critical juncture of the 21st century when information and communication technologies (ICTs) are becoming more common with a crossover with other disciplines. We expect to contribute to the critical knowledge gap in the area and have significant direct and far-reaching societal benefits through several interventions.
Housed at UC's Faculty of Science and Technology, the cluster includes passionate researchers from different faculties of the University. We work in close collaboration and partnership with different international and relevant industry partners.
RC DISC comprises seasoned and mid-career researchers from diverse disciplines with complementary skills who bring unique experiences and expertise to the cluster. The group is further strengthened by the participation and contribution of internationally renowned scholars as affiliate members. The cluster is led by Associate Professor Ahmed Imran, who has 20 years of experience in ICT4D research with a proven track record of leadership in academia and beyond.
- Build a critical mass of interdisciplinary experts on digital inequality and social change research.
- Undertake research schemes and initiatives to deal with complex and emerging societal problems driven by ICT, applying a holistic (end-to-end) approach using cross-disciplinary lenses, perspectives and theories.
- Build local, national and international networks for further collaboration and joint research in the area.
RC DISC aligns with UC's decadal strategy, Connected, by focusing on cross-fertilisation between disciplines and addressing UC's strong commitment toward inequality, social justice and societal impact.
We endeavour to promote an inclusive culture of cross-disciplinary collaboration, utilising UC's current strength to create a locally anchored global hub for knowledge transfer. Our research theme has strong synergy with UC and the faculty's strategic vision for global outreach, societal impact and its aspiration to rank above the national average for engagement and impact measures.
Our research will reinforce and contribute to:
- UC’s recent recognition as the world's top in rankings for reducing inequalities in the Times Higher Education Impact Rankings
- Efforts to achieve UN Sustainable Development Goals