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Dates and Times

24 July 2024
18:00 - 20:00

Event for


Building: UCBarx




Musical Bingo

Time for a fun spin on a classic game - a new tradition that we call Musical Bingo! We’ll be playing some bangers that you must identify, then cross your fingers and hope you have it on your board.


Tune up your knowledge, curate your perfect playlist and get some friends together for a fun night of music and bingo before you head to the Neon Party afterwards in UC Hub. Prizes will be available for first and second place as well as spot prizes throughout the night. Hopefully, lady luck is on your side!


PLUS for anyone showing up in your neon party outfits, you'll get a leg up with a free square in the middle of your card - pays to be prepared!


To guarantee a table, please contact

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