Events Calendar Header

Dates and Times

01 January 2024
00:00 - 00:00
01 March 2024
00:00 - 00:00

Event for


Address: Online and at the Army Museum, Freemantle, WA for two dates in February


Centre for Creative and Cultlural Research (UC) and Engineering Heritage Australia


Natalie Ison et al

Introduction to Heritage Engineering Part 1

This course will provide engineers and other professionals with an introduction to the skills needed to assess significance and understand conservation needs of engineering and industrial heritage sites and items. This course is open to all interested parties; however, it will be of particular interest to practicing engineers. Designed in collaboration with Engineers Australia, this course provides 30 hours of professional development.

Because some of the course is online via Canvas, enrollment is flexibl and goes through January 2024. 

Additional Information

This course is in partnership with Engineering Heritage Australia and the University of Canberra. 

It is a hybrid course totaling 30 hours of professional development - mostly online via Canvas and Zoom with an onsite workshop on the 15-16 of Feb at the Army Museum in Freemantle, WA.

The cost is $1299 before 6 Jan and $1399 thereafter. 

Other quick links