Questions about sustainability at the UC or want to explore your role in a sustainable future?

UC’s sustainability aspiration is to play our part in driving a local and global movement towards a more sustainable world. We seek to leverage UC’s distinctive identity and strengths to make the best possible contribution to sustainability efforts. This includes:
- A deep commitment to fairness and equity – with one of the highest proportions of first-in-family students of any university in Australia, our commitment to equity is reflected in our work at every level of the institution.
- The progressive values of Canberra and its region – we work collaboratively with the ACT Government and broader community to help realise our community’s progressive values.
- World-leading expertise in key areas of sustainability research – our researchers are world leaders in key areas of sustainability research that reflect our location and our community’s priorities. This includes, but is not limited to, public health and wellbeing, water governance and biodiversity preservation.
Our aspirations embrace a broad definition of sustainability that considers environmental, economic and sociocultural aspects of sustainability, as recognised by the United Nations in the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Our commitment to sustainability is deeply rooted in our connection to our place on Ngunnawal country and the local communities and the Indigenous peoples of the Canberra region. Embracing the principle of "Galambany," which translates to 'Together we work to empower, connect, and share knowledge with our people, cultures, and places,' we recognise the significance of our presence on Ngunnawal country, within the heart of the nation's capital.
Our sustainability vision is not merely a set of goals but a reflection of our ethos, shaped by the wisdom passed down through generations of Indigenous peoples. We understand that true sustainability encompasses more than just the physical; it encompasses the head and the heart—the emotional and the spiritual—fostering holistic health and wellbeing within our community.
Guided by UC’s purpose and values, we are committed to strengthening our connection to place through tangible actions:
- On campus: We embrace place-making experiences that celebrate the unique biodiversity of our campus while promoting health and wellbeing. By honouring the cultural values of our landscapes, waterways, flora, and fauna, we create spaces that showcase our commitment to sustainability, reflected in our Campus Master Plan.
- In Canberra and its region: We deepen our understanding of the unique needs of our ecosystems and communities. Through collaborative approaches, we strive to make a positive impact for the collective benefit of our region, recognising that sustainability is a collective endeavour.
In line with our ambition to be the most accessible university in Australia, we are committed to learning from and partnering with all of our communities, both locally and globally, and embracing multiple knowledge systems as we strive to establish a culture of sustainability accessible to all. Through individual and collective action, we aspire to be stewards of our place and of our cultures, fostering a sustainable future for generations to come.