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  • An educator by choice and chance

    Assistant Professor in Teacher Education at the University of Canberra, Dr Duncan Driver shares his road to a career in education.

  • (Mod)Boxing to Build Community

    Dr Paul Perkins’ PhD has added research depth to his already illustrious career in sport, and is determined to use his modified form of boxing to build and strengthen the ties that bind.

  • A personal PhD journey, with the potential for huge impact

    Dr Joe Northey has already proven to be a trailblazer, being the first in his family to go to university. Now, he has been awarded with a PhD from the University of Canberra.

  • A warrior for the integrity of sports

    UC Assistant Professor Catherine Ordway is determined to do whatever she can to protect the integrity of sports – and her PhD is the latest weapon in her arsenal.

  • Coming Out: The People I Love Have My Back

    When Han Worsley came out to their family and close friends, they realised that some of them needed time to process it. And that’s fine, says the Rainbow UC Vice-President and Bachelor of Primary Education (STeM) student, because they did so with respect and empathy.