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  • Stitching for good: The job of a trauma teddy

    All it took was a pair of knitting needles, colourful yarn and loads of creative energy for these passionate students to stitch 76 trauma teddies for the Australian Red Cross.

  • UnCover Podcast: In Conversation with Charles Landry

    Hear from international urban-change leader Charles Landry, who recently toured Canberra to discuss all things ambition and the concept of the ‘Creative City’

  • Standing strong, speaking up

    It may take a personal toll sometimes, but UC student Jace Reh is happy to answer (respectful) questions about trans issues, and to speak up about things that affect the community.

  • An evolution of hearts

    Same sex couples are changing what parenting looks like, says UC academic Dr Raechel Johns, from how they grow their families to how they redefine traditional gender roles.

  • Keeping data private in the era of the IoT

    Recipient of an ARC DECRA 2020, University of Canberra Assistant Professor Mohammad Abu Alsheikh will be developing novel schemes to preserve the privacy of individuals in the era of the Internet of Things.