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  • The creation of a virtual community

    Video games aren’t a new concept, but the way they’ve been used to maintain social connection during social isolation is.

  • COVID-19 and the digital movement

    Due to COVID-19 restrictions, many businesses have had to adapt their business models and make the move to introduce more digital-friendly options.

  • UC alumnus establishes Canberran company

    UC alumnus Joe Fan has created Canberra's largest Chinese media company aimed at supporting the Chinese-speaking community.

  • A tribute to Keith Lyons and his remarkable contributions

    A tribute to Professor Keith Lyons, who made major contributions to the University of Canberra and impacted the lives of many staff and students

  • Reflections at Ramadan

    The UC Muslim community is experiencing a very different fasting month this year. But this time of isolation and distancing is, in many cases, casting care for the community into new light and deepening the experience of self-reflection.