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  • An Invitation: Let’s Dance

    The University of Canberra’s Diversity, Inclusion and Belonging Plan 2020-2022 is about people flourishing together – it’s an invitation to embark on a roadtrip towards belonging, says the University of Canberra’s Ellen Swavley.

  • Rage & the rise of a new women’s movement

    There is extraordinary power in the emotions surfacing in women around Australia right now says Virginia Haussegger Founding Director of the 50/50 by 2030 Foundation at UC.

  • Equipping students to thrive

    Through the UC Thrive program, University of Canberra PhD student Hollie Speer is using her lived experience to support other students who are struggling.

  • A woman's place … is wherever she wants

    Meet some of the incredible women researchers at the University of Canberra, whose amazing work, determined strength and unyielding hope provide daily inspiration.

  • Building a better future for women in construction

    UC Bachelor of Building and Construction student Ashleigh Johnston was awarded the NAWIC Award for Student of the Year in 2020. She shares her inspirational story.