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  • No path is ever set in stone

    When Vi Nguyen left school, she already had her next few years planned – but a change of heart led her to the University of Canberra, before she embarked on an international career in the brave new world of artificial intelligence.

  • I’ve suffered gender discrimination. Now I fight it.

    Victoria’s inaugural Public Sector Gender Equality Commissioner Dr Niki Vincent writes about what can be achieved when we remove bias, offer flexibility, and empower employees – she's living proof of it.

  • Vale Jim Service AO: A life spent in the service of Canberra

    Known as a talented businessman to many, as a generous philanthropist to others, and even given the affectionate title of ‘Mr Canberra’, Jim Service AO made a significant impact in our community.

  • They called her 'Lucky' – but she wasn't.

    Associate Director of the 50/50 by 2030 Foundation, Kat Foster reflects on the control and abuse Britney Spears has been subjected to – and which many other women around the world continue to suffer.

  • I’m somebody, not just my trauma

    Domestic violence awareness advocate, mother and victim-survivor Roia Atmar narrates the second season of the Tender podcast – as she talks about what came after her ex-husband set her on fire, as she held her child.