Samantha Keane

Samantha Keane
In South Africa, Samantha worked with HIV affected orphans


Samantha Keane has dedicated herself to community education since graduating from the University in 2004. She has worked in the most remote communities in Fiji, Papua New Guinea, South Africa and currently in East Pilbara, Western Australia, where she travels for 8 hours to work as a project facilitator with World Vision. In this position Samantha consults with local Indigenous communities to plan and implement one-on-one support for parents and carers. She is also working to encourage community members to advocate for their own and their families' rights.

Prior to taking on this role, Samantha spent two years in Papua New Guinea, with the PNG Education Advocacy Network, where she planned and implemented educational experience, language and literacy surveys, as well as community feedback sessions. Samantha also worked with Save the Children in Papua New Guinea, on gender policy development and gender program development.

In South Africa, Samantha worked with HIV affected orphans and promoted children's rights and literacy.In South Africa, Samantha worked with HI V affected orphans and promoted children's rights and literacy. Despite the tyranny of distance, Samantha has continued to expand her learning by undertaking a Master in Applied Anthropology and Participatory Development at the ANU .

