Jimmy Kwong

Jimmy Kwong
"I picked the University of Canberra for its practicality"


A testament to the quality of alumni that UC has always produced, Jimmy Kwong, a graduate of a Bachelor of Arts in Computing Studies, got a computing-related job right after graduation.

He worked as a Systems Coordinator at the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) for two years before a promotion which lead him to a successful 26-year career with DFAT.

An international student who migrated to Australia, Jimmy recalls what it was like trying to adjust in a new culture. His experiences at UC helped him settle in. "UC provided me with the stepping stone to communicate with the broader community," he says. He also grew to love the sports culture in Australia, especially rugby league and cricket.

Jimmy now serves as a Pastor at the Austra-Asian Christian Church in Canberra and aspires to provide the community with support. Jimmy and his wife Juliana, who also studied at UC, are giving back to the University that helped expand opportunities available to them, and collaborating with the Alumni network to assist other international students in the process of settling in.

His advice to foreign students and future graduates of UC is, "Don't just read books and do assignments. Be aware of social issues because everything is interrelated. Broaden your horizons to keep abreast of what is happening so you can try and articulate more than just your grades at interviews."

Jimmy recently attended a UC Alumni event for the Faculty of Health – a panel discussion on the topic of "The Society's Responsibility in Looking after the Community's Emotional Health." He continues to be an active member of the UC Alumni Network attending and participating in public lectures and networking events.


Information Technology