Felicity Fullagar

Felicity Fullagar
Felicity has been part of the university community for over 15 years


Felicity Fullagar has been part of the Canberra university community for over 15 years, as a student, a teacher and is now a maker of fine preserves.

Felicity joined the University of Canberra to undertake her studies in teaching English to speakers of other languages (TESOL), after completing an Honours degree in classical studies at the ANU.

Following her graduation from UC, Felicity became an IELTS Examiner at the university, a position she held for over ten years. During this time Felicity, along with her husband Bill, provided support to many of the university's international students as they began their academic journeys in Australia.

While on campus Felicity was also Director of the UC Music Society, conducting the choir for many graduation performances, which at the time were held on campus in the university gymnasium. She remembers being honoured at her own graduation ceremony in 1998, with the choir giving her a standing ovation as she received her Masters qualification.

It was her ongoing passion for music that saw Felicity travel to India in 2004 to conduct the Calcutta Foundation Orchestra. The orchestra program, run by the Oxford Mission, provides musical tuition as well as performance opportunities for local orphaned children, creating pathways towards professional musical careers.

These days, you can find Felicity selling her homemade preserves and jams at the UC Market Days held on the concourse every Wednesday, as well as the local Capital Region Farmers Markets. Initially, Felicity started selling her jams to help raise funds for new bells for St Paul's Anglican Church in Manuka; however, realising demand for her preserves would outlast the fundraising needs of the church, she turned her passion into an ongoing hobby - Cornelia's Conserves. "I love the independence it gives me," she explains, "and the fresh air in Canberra."

