Bee Smith

Bee Smith
Bee Smith made the change from an accounting career to build her own online fitness business.

Bachelor of Commerce, 2011

A degree in Commerce might not seem like the natural starting point for a career in the fitness industry, but for Bee Smith that's exactly what it was. After completing her Bachelor's degree in 2011, she secured a graduate position with a major accounting firm where she learnt about business in both the private and public sector, giving her the confidence to start her own business.

Her passion for health and fitness led her to creating BeeSmithFit in 2015; an online fitness program. Bee connects with clients from around the globe, coaching them into creating a positive, healthy and fit lifestyle through training and nutrition plans.

"The best thing about my job is the fact that I can help people all over the world to reach their health and fitness goals."

The internet has allowed her greater flexibility and the opportunity to expand her business that would not have existed otherwise, and is something that is likely to be seen more in the fitness industry in the coming years.

"My programs are run completely online. The internet has allowed the industry to expand beyond measure and social media has been a large contributing factor to that."

As well as following her passion and helping people, Bee says the highlight of her journey so far is the inspiring people she has encountered along the way.

"From entrepreneurs who have created multi-million dollar businesses from nothing, to people who have defied all odds to completely turn their life around in both a physical and mental way. It's given me opportunities to grow and learn."

However, running your own business is hard work and a big commitment, so much so that Bee says the thing she misses most about her time at UC is the structure. "When you get into business some days it doesn't matter how much you plan your day things always change. It's not a lie when people say business is hard, because it is! However, if you are doing what you love, then it's worth it."

Bee's biggest advice for other students is to 'take as many opportunities as you can, work hard and enjoy what you do.'


Accounting Banking Economics and Finance; Business and Government; Nutrition and Dietetics