Ashleigh Feltham

Ashleigh Feltham
Helping others achieve their mental and physical best


Ashleigh Feltham continues the long tradition of UC excellence in athletics and health. Since graduating in 2013 with a Bachelor of Human Nutrition, Ashleigh has become an area leader in fitness and health teaching. Keeping UC close to heart, Ashleigh has become an instructor for UC Fit, UC's on campus premier fitness and health centre. In addition to teaching at UC Fit, Ashleigh teaches over 20 classes a week at gyms all over Canberra. Helping others achieve their best, both physically and mentally, is Ashleigh's goal for each and every one of her students. The training and education she received at UC laid the groundwork for Ashleigh's teaching and fitness goals. "The staff at UC were and are always so supportive. I was never afraid to ask a question," she says.

In a few short years, Ashleigh's impact has already been felt. "A week doesn't feel complete without attending her sessions," one of Ashleigh's students says. "The energy, motivation and techniques she brings to each one of her classes is phenomenal."

Ashleigh has big plans for her future career in health, and she has already begun her Masters of Nutrition and Dietetics. "I want to be able to assist people to become the healthiest version of themselves," she says.

When asked what she would say to those interested in a health and fitness career, Ashleigh says "My advice for graduates is to use your strengths and passion to guide you to your next steps. Live a life of purpose that helps others. One of my goals each day is to help other people become happier and healthier."

Photo courtesy: Jandrie Lombard


Nutrition and Dietetics