Legal Advice : Wishing to Come to UC? : University of Canberra
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Wishing to Come to UC?

Legal Advice

One of the reasons we have such a wonderful lifestyle in Australia is due to our representative democracy, the separation of powers, and our respect for the rule of law. We have a lot of laws in Australia and as a result, society runs smoothly.

In being granted a visa to study in Australia, you signed a document (Australian Values Statement Temporary) agreeing to respect Australian values and obey the laws of Australia for the duration of your stay. Failure to comply with the laws of this land (including State and Territory laws) could result in a fine or the cancellation of your visa and possible deportation back home. If you are convicted of a serious crime, it could result in imprisonment. Nobody wants this to happen!

You can find a comprehensive outline of Australian laws online.

Your rights

Your most basic right is to be considered innocent until proven guilty in court. If you are arrested, you need not answer any police questions or make any statement- unless it is a traffic offence. Nor are you obliged to hand over your passport.


If you are arrested, the police should allow you to make one phone call. You also have a right to ask for bail. The police cannot threaten or injure you, or force you to go with them unless it is an arrest. It is wise to cooperate with the police; if you remain polite and calm, you can explain the position clearly.

Do not attempt to bribe anyone, especially a policeman.


Make sure you understand any agreement you make when you sign for purchases including coupons you cut out from magazines, any hire-purchases or rentals.

Remember to always ask for a receipt for any payment made!

Child Protection Laws

In Australia, child protection is the responsibility of the community services departments in each State and Territory. Departments are responsible for the protection of children who have been abused or neglected, or whose parents cannot provide adequate care or protection for them. Information about the States and Territories responsible for protecting children is provided by the National Child Protection Clearinghouse.

On-campus legal advice

Legal Aid ACT

Legal Aid ACT provides a face-to-face legal information and referrals service for students with criminal, family and civil matters at 1C157 every Tuesday and Wednesday from 9:30am to 4pm. The service also offers a free over-the-phone advice.

Drop in or make an appointment by contating

Phone: 02 6243 3431
Legal Aid ACT Helpline: 1300 654 314

Learn more on the Legal Aid ACT website.

Citizen Centred Justice Legal Clinic

The Citizen Centred Justice Legal Clinic (CCJ) is a not-for-profit health-justice partnership, legal practice, and registered association which operates on-campus in collaboration with the University of Canberra Medical and Counselling Centre (UCM&CC). CCJ provides pro bono legal support, assistance, advocacy, and referral services for clients referred from the UCM&CC, UC students and UC staff, as well as on an ad hoc basis to other vulnerable clients who may be referred to the Clinic from other sources.

CCJ is run by lawyers supported by UC law students who are gaining legal practice experience towards their legal qualification. The service is a free and confidential legal service.

CCJ is a by-appointment legal advice clinic located on the Bruce campus of the University of Canberra. It is open for appointments on Wednesdays.

CCJ is located in Building 1, Level B, adjacent to the UC Medical & Counselling Centre. You can book a face-to-face or telephone appointment through the University's Medical & Counselling Centre by telephoning 02 6201 2351. When booking, let our receptionist staff know if you prefer a face-to-face or telephone appointment. Bookings need to be made by telephone, not by direct email to the CCJ.

When you arrive for your appointment, you will need to check in at the UCM&CC and complete some paperwork.

Free and confidential legal advice services in the ACT

Legal Aid:

The Legal Aid Commission of the Australian Capital Territory (ACT) is established under the Legal Aid Act 1977. The aim of the Commission is to work to inform people of their legal rights and obligations and to improve their access to the justice system. The ACT Legal Aid Office is able to provide one free consultation to students. Appointments can be made through the International Student Adviser. The Legal Aid office may not represent you in Court but you will receive free advice on what to do about your matter.

Main Office:

Main Office Address: 2 Allsop Street, Canberra ACT 2601
Postal Address: GPO Box 512 Canberra ACT 2601
Phone: 1300 654 314
Website: Legal Aid ACT

Legal Aid ACT has a free lawyer at the Student Centre (building 1) on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Please call Legal Aid ACT to make an appointment.

Legal Aid Helpline

Help with legal problems is available through the Legal Aid Helpline on 1300 654 314 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., Monday to Friday.

On-campus legal advice

Legal Aid ACT provides a face-to-face legal information and referrals service for students with criminal, family and civil matters at 1C157 every Tuesday and Wednesday from 9:30am to 4pm. The service also offers a free over-the-phone advice.

Drop in or make an appointment by contating

Phone: 02 6243 3431
Legal Aid ACT Helpline: 1300 654 314

Learn more on the Legal Aid ACT website.

Domestic Violence and Personal Protection Order Unit

The Domestic Violence and Personal Protection Order Unit is located at the Magistrates Court. Telephone (02) 6207 1874 for information and appointments.

Youth Law Centre

The Youth Law Centre (YLC) is a free and confidential legal advice and referral service for young people aged between 12 - 25. The Centre operates a drop-in centre in Civic which is open each weekday afternoon between 9am-5pm. The YLC also provides assistance over the phone and by e-mail.

The YLC provides one-off advice and assistance in a wide range of areas, including:

  • car accidents
  • consumer issues
  • debt
  • residential tenancy
  • criminal matters
  • traffic offences
  • employment and apprenticeships
  • discrimination, and
  • protection orders.

Opening hours: 9am-5pm, Monday to Friday
Address: 2 Allsop Street, Canberra ACT 2601
Ph: (02) 6173 5410

Other helpful Links:

Office for Children, Youth and Family Support

The Office for Children, Youth and Family Support works in partnership with the community to provide care and protection services to children and young people, and family and community support to meet the needs of the people of Canberra. In addition, the Office is responsible for youth justice services and the monitoring and licensing of children's services.

The Office for Children, Youth and Family Support contracts a range of services from the non-government sector to meet the needs of young people. These services include:

  • Youth Centres
  • Youth Support Services
  • Youth development programs and
  • Youth Plan and Sector development

Care and Protection services are responsible for facilitating coordination across government for the care and protection of children and young people. Care and Protection services include three Regional Offices and an After Hours service, who provide a continuum of service delivery to children and young people considered 'at risk' of serious harm.

Ph: 1300 653 227
Website: Department of Social Services

ACT Law Society

The ACT Law Society can help by providing referrals to local law firms with expertise in a particular area of law, or to lawyers who speak a particular language. We can also refer callers to local free or low cost legal services. The ACT Law Society is not a legal service and cannot provide legal advice. We have information about other options on our website at

We also administer the ACT Pro Bono Clearing House, which matches people and organisations in genuine need of pro bono legal assistance with either a law firm or a Community Legal Centre able to provide that assistance. Please note that the Pro Bono Clearing House does not deal with Family Law matters.

Other non-profit legal services in the ACT