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Rosemary Guŋdjarranbuy

Rosemary GuŋdjarranbuyRosemary Guŋdjarranbuy an Elder from Galiwin’ku who is a respected person in the Garrawurra clan as well as in the community.

In Galiwin’ku, Rosemary worked for Miwatj Heath as a community worker and at the same time she was doing a Community Development course through the university. Rosemary also worked as a coordinator and manager with Yalu’ Marŋgithinyaraw. Through Menzies School of Health and A/Prof Anne Lowell, a health promotion program focusing on chronic health was introduced to Galiwin’ku. Both her previous work with the petrol sniffers and as a coordinator helped her to step into a coordinator role on the Sharing the Full and True Stories about Chronic Conditions project.

Rosemary has worked on many projects including Footprints in Time (2008-10); Sharing the True and Full Story of Chronic Disease (with CDU)(2010), Interplay project: Interplay between culture, community, empowerment, education, employment, health and wellbeing in remote Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities (with Ninti One), ‘Helping and Caring, not only our family: NT Indigenous Perspectives on Volunteering’ (with Australian Red Cross and CDU), Community Development Program Research (2016), HEPPP Project (with CDU) (2015-2016), Remote Engagement and Coordination – Indigenous Engagement Research (with CDU and NTG)(2016-2017), Our Homes research project (with CDU and NTG)(2018-2019), Remote Engagement and Coordination – Indigenous Engagement Research – Phase 2: Electoral Engagement and Education (with CDU and NTG)(2018-2019), and Indigenous Genomic Research: Repatriation Project (with John Curtin School of Medical Research, ANU)(2019).