News and Media Research Centre
University of Canberra
Building 9, Level C, Room 10
Amplifying Indigenous News: End of project symposium, workshop and public lecture
On Wednesday 4 October 2023, the finding and outcomes from the ARC Linkage Project ‘Amplifying Indigenous News: A Digital Intervention’ were discussed at the Ann Harding Conference Centre.
The symposium opened with Welcome to Country from Ngunnawal man Cheyne Halloran, followed by an introduction from project lead David Nolan followed by various presentations and a keynote from Professor Bronwyn Carlson, Director of the Centre for Global Indigenous Futures at Macquarie University, Sydney.
Researchers and practitioners in the Indigenous media field presented and contributed to the symposium. The day ended with a yarning circle led by UC’s Dr Wayne Applebee and Dr Paul Collis.

Following on and despite the heavy rain on, there was a great turn out for the final Voice to Parliament Lecture: The role and impact of media reporting on the voice. This public event was jointly hosted by the News and Media Research Centre and the Office of Indigenous Leadership at the Shine Dome.
NITV’s John Paul Janke chaired the event, with Welcome to Country from Ngunnawal man Cheyne Halloran, opening remarks from Vice Chancellor Paddy Nixon. David Nolan presented findings from the Media coverage of the Voice to Parliament Referendum Campaign project on behalf of the research team. This was followed by a thought provoking panel discussion between Professor Peter Radoll (Deputy Vice-Chancellor Indigenous, Equity and Inclusion at Victoria University), Karen Middleton (Chief political correspondent, The Saturday Paper and UC Hon Doctorate), Michelle Grattan (Chief political correspondent, The Conversation and UC Professorial Fellow) and Associate Professor David Nolan (News & Media Research Centre).
The event concluded with thanks from both Chief Operating Officer Jonathan Pheasant and Pro Vice Chancellor Indigenous Leadership, Professor Maree Meredith.
For more information, please contact:
Associate Professor David Nolan – News and Media Research Centre, University of Canberra