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Enrolment Procedure (effective 1 January 2025)
1. Purpose:
  1. This Procedure complements the University of Canberra Enrolment Policy (the Policy) and sets out the requirements for commencing and continuing students enrolling in University of Canberra units.
2. Scope:
  1. The scope of this procedure is the same as the Policy.
3. Procedure:
Student identification
  1. A unique Student Identification Number (Student ID) is allocated to a student when an initial offer is made.
  2. A student will retain their ID number for any subsequent offer and while studying any course at the University.
  3. A student ID number must be quoted in all correspondence with the University. If a student ID number is not provided, the University’s response may be delayed.
Student Identification Card
  1. All students admitted to the University receive their first Student ID Card free of charge.
  2. The Student ID Card authorises a student to access University services and facilities as determined by the University, including the authority to attend classes and sit for exams, receive teaching materials and borrow educational materials, use printing, scanning and photocopying facilities, book Medical and Counselling Centre services, and enabling access to parking.
  3. Students must keep their Student ID Card secure at all times.
  4. A fee will be charged to replace a lost Student ID Card.
Student email
  1. All students admitted to a course will be issued with a University email address.
  2. This email address uses the student’s identification number and has the format of Uxxxxxx@uni.canberra.edu.au, where Uxxxxxx is the student ID.
  3. This email address is created and activated once a student accepts an offer.
  4. The University student email address will be used for all official UC correspondence for any subsequent offer, and while a student is studying at the University.
  5. Students must check their University email account regularly for official UC correspondence. Receipt of messages is tracked throughout enrolment. Students may set up forwarding of these communications to personal email accounts. 
  6. A student’s failure to check their University email account for official University correspondence will not be grounds for appeal or review of a University act or decision made in relation to the student under any statute, rule, policy or procedure.
Personal information
  1. The University collects, stores, manages and destroys personal information in accordance with the University’s Privacy Policy.
  2. Students must ensure the accuracy of their personal information held by the University.
  3. Students must notify the University of any change to or correction of any personal information held by the University using MyUC or via the Student Centre or UC College. Students must provide appropriate documentation to support change requests.
  4. A student’s failure to advise the University of any change to their personal information will not be grounds for appeal or review of a University act or decision made in relation to the student under any statute, rule, policy or procedure.
Eligibility for enrolment
  1. Students may not enrol into units unless an offer for admission to a course has been made by the University, and the student has accepted the offer for admission.
  2. All students admitted to the University who do not already have a Unique Student Identifier (USI) must apply to the Australian Government and provide this information to the University prior to the census date of their first teaching period.
  3. Some units may have quotas. Where a unit quota has been met, enrolment may be refused.
Commonwealth Supported Places (CSPs)
  1. All domestic undergraduate students are deemed Commonwealth Supported students by the University unless otherwise notified.
  2. A domestic undergraduate student may choose not to be Commonwealth Supported. If a student chooses not to be Commonwealth Supported, they must notify the University in writing by the census date of the relevant teaching period. The University is not obligated to offer a fee-paying place to a student who is eligible for a Commonwealth Supported Place.
  3. Some domestic postgraduate students are deemed Commonwealth Supported students. These students are made specific offers to a Commonwealth Supported place where these places are available. All other domestic postgraduate students will be offered a fee-paying place.
  4. Students choosing not to be Commonwealth Supported will be required to pay tuition fees by the census date of each teaching period and may be eligible for the FEE-HELP Assistance Scheme.
  5. To meet the requirements for Commonwealth Support, and before a student is eligible to commence or continue their course of study and subsequent enrolment in a unit(s) in accordance with the University of Canberra (Admission) Rules 2022, a student must:
    1. Complete all relevant Commonwealth Support HELP Scheme applications. A student must complete the electronic Commonwealth Assistance Form (eCAF) available in MyUC by the census date of the first relevant teaching period.
    2. Complete and submit a new eCAF if they have accepted a place in an alternative course at the University. An eCAF applies to a single course of study and cannot be transferred to another course.
    3. Pay the prescribed student contribution amount by the census date, if the option to pay upfront has been chosen on their HELP form.
    4. Apply for a USI and provide it to the University using MyUC prior to the census date of their first teaching period.
  6. Within 28 days of the census date for each teaching period, the University will provide all domestic students with an electronic Commonwealth Assistance Notice (eCAN) detailing their enrolment. This will be provided via their University student email address. If a student believes the information on the eCAN is incorrect, they have 14 days from the date on the eCAN to contact the Student Centre to resolve any errors.
  7. Commonwealth Supported students who fail to submit an eCAF to pay or defer the student contribution amount or tuition fees by the census date will be removed from the units in which they are enrolled in the relevant teaching period.
Full fee-paying students
  1. Full fee-paying students who fail to pay their fees by the census date will be removed from the units in which they are enrolled in the relevant teaching period.
  2. International students who fail to pay their fees by the administrative due date will be provided with a Notice of Intent to Report (NOIR) in accordance with the Education for Overseas Students (ESOS) Act 2000. These students will be removed from the units in which they are enrolled in the relevant teaching period, following the conclusion of a 20-day appeal period (see Deferring, Suspending or Cancelling an International Student’s Enrolment Procedure for more information).
Responsibility for correct enrolment
  1. Students are responsible for ensuring that they are correctly enrolled in units:
    1. in accordance with the enrolment requirements and key dates published by the University
    2. that contribute to the completion of the course in which they are enrolled.
  2. Units must be entered correctly by unit code and must form part of the enrolled course requirements, an approved study plan or an approved Variation to Course Requirements (see Variation of Course Requirements Policy and Procedure for more information).
  3. All international student visa holders are required to enrol in accordance with the Education for Overseas Students (ESOS) Act 2000 – see International Student Policy for more information. Enrolled International student visa holders are required to be onshore in Australia for all teaching period/s, with the exception of their final unit.
Adding units and majors
  1. Students can self-enrol in units using MyUC up to the self-enrolment cut-off dates advertised for the relevant teaching period (normally the end of Week 1). Students wishing to add units after this date and prior to the census date must follow the relevant Faculty or University of Canberra College (UCC) late enrolment process to seek approval.
  2. With the exception of students enrolled in offshore and contract courses, students are expected to self-enrol in elective majors using MyUC.
  3. Some units do not have the option for students to self-enrol. In these cases a student must complete the appropriate enrolment form available in MyUC.  Following approval of the request, students will be enrolled by the University.
  4. To have a major recognised on official documentation, a student must be enrolled in that major prior to the conclusion of their final teaching period. The University may decline to recognise majors requested after course completion.
Late enrolment
  1. Unit self-enrolment closes at midnight on the date advertised for the relevant teaching period. Students wishing to change their unit enrolment after this date may be charged a late enrolment fee.
  2. Unit enrolment after self-enrolment closes will only be approved in accordance with the relevant Faculty or UCC late enrolment process. Late enrolment processes will include an assessment of how many individual classes, weeks of study or assessment items a student has missed at the time of application. Late enrolment will not be approved where it is deemed that the student will not to have a realistic chance of success in the unit.
  3. For Domestic Students, enrolment in additional units after the self-enrolment cut off is conditional upon paying an increased HECS-HELP or tuition fee charge, or upon accepting an increased HECS-HELP or tuition fee liability.
  4. For International Students, enrolment in additional units after the self-enrolment cut off is conditional upon the student paying an increased tuition fee charge.
  5. Late enrolment after the census date for the relevant teaching period will require a written recommendation from the relevant Associate Dean (Education) and will only be approved in exceptional circumstances by an Enrolment Officer.
Withdrawing from units
  1. Depending on the timing of withdrawal, the following will occur:
Up to midnight on census date Withdrawn Early (WE)
  • Unit attempt is not recorded on official documentation.
  • No academic penalty.
  • No financial liability.
After census date and before the final third of the relevant teaching period Withdrawn Late (WD-LATE)
  • Unit attempt is recorded on official documentation.
  • No academic penalty – result is not included in academic standing calculation.
  • Result is not included in Grade Point Average or Weighted Average Mark calculation.
  • Financial penalty – fees charged, or HELP debt incurred.
  • May apply for an enrolment amendment using an Enrolment Amendment Form (EAF) to have result removed from official academic record, and/or full fee refund or HELP liability removed.
During the final third of the relevant teaching period Withdrawn Fail (WD-FAIL or NW)
  • Unit attempt is recorded on official documentation.
  • Fail result included in academic standing calculation.
  • Result is included in Grade Point Average and Weighted Average Mark calculation.
  • Financial penalty – fees charged, or HELP debt incurred.
  • May apply for an enrolment amendment (using an EAF) to have result removed from official academic record, and/or full fee refund or HELP debt removed.
After the final day of teaching and before the end of examination period Fail – incomplete (NC)
  • Unit attempt is recorded on official documentation.
  • Fail result included in academic standing calculation.
  • Result is included in Grade Point Average and Weighted Average Mark calculation.
  • Financial penalty – fees charged, or HELP debt incurred.
  • May apply for an enrolment amendment (using an EAF) to have result removed from official academic record, and/or full fee refund or HELP debt removed.
After census date, with evidence of extenuating circumstances (under the Higher Education Support Act 2003) Withdrawn Removed (W-REM)
  • Need to apply using an Enrolment Amendment Form (EAF) to have result removed from official academic record.
  • Unit attempt is removed.
  • No academic penalty – result not included on official documentation.
  • Tuition fees refunded/HELP liability removed.

Enrolment waivers
  1. Specific rules may be attached to units which determine whether a student is eligible to enrol in the unit. To successfully enrol in a unit for which they do not satisfy the rules, a student must apply for an Enrolment Waiver via MyUC. The Unit Convener or delegate will consider requests to waive a unit rule within the constraints of relevant University policies and procedures, and will advise the student of their decision within 3 working days where possible. Unresolved waivers are escalated to the ADE or delegate for decision after 10 working days.
  2. A student enrolled in a unit where the specific unit rules have not been met will be withdrawn from that unit by the University. This includes where a student has enrolled in a unit in anticipation of passing the prerequisite but is unsuccessful before the census date of the subsequent teaching period.
  3. Fail and withdrawn results do not satisfy unit prerequisite requirements.
Unit load
  1. The University determines study load using Equivalent Full-Time Student Load (EFTSL). A student taking a standard full-time load should enrol in a maximum of 24 credit points (cp) or 1 EFTSL per year, with each 3cp unit valued at 0.125 EFTSL. A standard full-time load is equivalent to 12cp in a semester or college teaching period or 6cp in any other teaching period.
  2. A student who enrols in a study load less than 0.375 EFTSL over a six-month period within a calendar year is considered a part-time student for that period.
  3. A student who enrols in a study load more than 0.375 EFTSL over a six-month period within a calendar year is considered a full-time student for that period.
  4. Before enrolling in units that exceed the standard full -time load for a teaching period, students must obtain approval from their Faculty or UCC. The approval process will include a discussion about their proposed enrolment and the work-load implications before proceeding. Following approval of the request students will be enrolled in the unit by the University.
Enrolment requirements
  1. International students on an international student visa must remain enrolled in units in each teaching period under the conditions of their visa unless they are on approved intermission.
  2. Domestic students and international students on non-international student visas must not remain unenrolled (inactive status) for more than the equivalent of 12 consecutive months, unless they have deferred their offer to a subsequent teaching period.
  3. Students who remain unenrolled for more than 12 consecutive months will be discontinued from their course of study. The University will notify students of their discontinuation in writing.
  4. Students discontinued for non-enrolment exceeding 12 months cease to be students of the University and must reapply for admission under the University of Canberra Admission Rules 2022 if they wish to resume their studies.
  5. Discontinued students cannot be readmitted to a course that is in teach-out, except in exceptional circumstances.
Intermission for international students
  1. International students studying onshore in Australia on an international student visa may apply for intermission by submitting an Application for Intermission in MyUC before the census date.
  2. Applications for intermission require appropriate supporting documentation and are assessed by the Student Wellbeing and International Support (SWIS) team.
  3. Students granted intermission will be notified in writing by SWIS if intermission has been approved and when intermission has expired.
  4. If a student wishes to return from intermission early, they must notify SWIS.
  5. When the approved intermission period is completed, students must email the IT Service Desk to obtain a new password so they can log in to MyUC and enrol in units according to the key dates published by the University.
Maximum course duration
  1. A student is expected to complete all requirements for a course of study within the maximum duration to ensure the currency of their skills and knowledge.
  2. Courses at the University have different maximum course durations, which are published in the Register of Courses (Digital Handbook).
  3. Periods of non-enrolment and intermission will count towards the maximum duration of a course.
  4. Faculties and UCC will monitor the progression of students to ensure that they can complete their course within the maximum course duration.
  5. Where a student’s study plan indicates that they are not on track for completion of an active course within the maximum course duration, the student is required to seek approval for a course variation under the Variation to Course Requirements Policy and Variation to Course Requirements Procedure.
  6. Where a student’s study plan indicates that they are not on track for completion of a course in teach out within the maximum course duration, the student is required to transfer to an alternative course.
  7. International students must complete their course within the duration specified on their Confirmation of Enrolment (CoE) or be at risk of breaching their student visa requirements. See the International Student Policy, the Completion within the Expected Duration of Enrolment for International Students Procedure, and the Deferring, Suspending or Cancelling an International Student’s Enrolment Procedure for more information.
Enrolment following suspension
  1. Subject to clauses 3.68–3.70, unless advised otherwise by the University, a student has a right to re-enrol to recommence their studies at the end of a suspension without the need to reapply for admission.
  2. Enrolment following a period of suspension is not automatic. Students must notify the University to request that their enrolment be reinstated after their suspension has lapsed.
  3. In accordance with the Academic Progress (Coursework units) Procedure students may be required to develop an Academic Improvement Plan (AIP) prior to recommencing their studies.
  4. Students will not be reinstated in a course that is in teach-out. In these cases, students must seek admission to an alternative course.
Refusal of enrolment
  1. The University reserves the right to refuse enrolment in any unit.
  2. The University will refuse enrolment for a student who is indebted to the University for non-payment of any fee or charge.
Non-award units
  1. The University recognises that students may sometimes wish to study a unit which does not contribute to their course completion while enrolled in a CSP. These units must be taken as a non-award course, which is not eligible for subsidised CSP tuition fees. The relevant full fee will apply.
  2. Where a CSP student exceeds the number of credit points required for a course, additional unit/s must be studied as a non-award course and the applicable full fee will apply.
4. Roles and Responsibilities:
Associate Dean (Education)
  • Approving enrolment waivers after 10 working days.
  • Recommending late enrolment after the census date.
Enrolment Officer
  • Approving late enrolment after the census date.
  • Monitoring the course progress of students to ensure they complete within the maximum duration of the course.
  • Approving late unit enrolment under Faculty processes.
Student Wellbeing and International Support (SWIS)
  • Approving intermission for international students.
  • Retaining and using their Student ID and Student ID Card as required.
  • Regularly checking student email account for University correspondence.
  • Ensuring the accuracy of their personal data held by the University.
  • Ensuring that they are correctly enrolled, according to course requirements, study plans or an approved variation to course requirements.
  • Ensuring that they enrol on time.
  • Applying for an Enrolment Waiver if not fully eligible for units with enrolment rules.
  • Paying fees and charges on time.
  • Meeting the requirements of Commonwealth Supported Places (CSP) if a Commonwealth Supported student.
  • Meeting the requirements of a fee-paying student.
  • Requesting to have enrolment reinstated after a period of academic suspension.
  • INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS: Submitting an Application for Intermission if they require an intermission of studies.
  • INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS: Adhering to student visa requirements related to their enrolment.
Unit Convener
  • Approving enrolment waivers within the constraints of University Policy and Procedure within 3 days, where possible.
  • Advising the student of their decision within 3 working days.
  • Considering whether to allow a student to enrol in a unit after the final date to enrol for the relevant teaching period and before census date.
University of Canberra College (UCC)
  • Monitoring the progress of students enrolled in UC Connect, UC Prep, English Language Courses (ELICOS) International Foundation Studies Program, and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Foundation Program to ensure they complete within the maximum duration specified.
  • Approving late enrolment in units under UCC process.
7. Definitions:
Academic Improvement Plan (AIP) A plan that includes academic and non-academic actions to support the academic progress of a student. This has the same meaning as ‘Early Intervention Plan’ as detailed in the Academic Progress Rules 2022.
Academic Transcript A comprehensive record of a student’s academic history and achievements. It includes details of courses or units completed, results received, credit received, teaching periods enrolled, academic progress, dates of enrolment, degree pursued, and honours level or awards received.
Academic Year The period from the first day of the teaching period of any year to the day preceding the first day of the teaching period of the following year, both inclusive.
Administrative Due Date A deadline set by the University for students to provide requested information or pay tuition fees and Student Services and Amenities Fees. This date may, or may not, align with the relevant teaching period census date. Penalties may be applied to students who do not meet the published deadlines.
Australian Higher Education Graduation Statement (AHEGS) Provides a comprehensive summary of a student’s academic achievements, including details about the completed qualification, academic honours, prizes or awards received, and extracurricular activities. It is designed to enhance the international recognition and portability of Australian qualifications in a document easily understood by employers, educational institutions, and other stakeholders worldwide.
Award Course A program of study formally approved/accredited by Academic Board which involves a student undertaking a set of units which when satisfactorily completed will qualify a student for an award of the University.
Census Date The last day to withdraw from a unit without academic and/or financial penalty. For Semesters 1 and 2, the census date is usually the Friday of Week 4 of Semester and for Winter Term it is usually the Friday of Week 3. For all standard and non-standard teaching periods, a census date must be no earlier than 20% of the way through the teaching period.
Commonwealth Supported Place (CSP) A place at a university or higher education provider where the Australian Government pays a portion of the tuition fees. This government subsidy helps reduce the cost of tertiary education for eligible domestic students.

To be eligible for a CSP, students must be Australian citizens, Australian permanent residents, New Zealand citizens who meet the criteria for HELP, holders of Australian Permanent humanitarian visa and Pacific Engagement visa holders resident in Australia for the duration of their units. Visa holders may need to meet other criteria such as residency requirements and course-specific eligibility criteria.
Course Has the same meaning as defined in the Policy.
Domestic Student Has the same meaning as defined in the Policy.
Electronic Commonwealth Assistance Form (eCAF) An online form which must be submitted by students to apply for Commonwealth assistance, such as HECS-HELP or FEE-HELP, to help pay for their tertiary education expenses. Through the eCAF system, students submit their request for Commonwealth assistance, provide necessary information about their enrolment and study load, and indicate their preference for deferring payment of their tuition fees through government loan schemes.
Electronic Commonwealth Assistance Notice
An online statement provided to eligible higher education students in Australia, detailing their Commonwealth-supported places (CSPs) or HECS-HELP loan arrangements for the enrolled teaching period.  It serves as a transparent record of the student’s financial obligations and government support, helping them understand their current tuition fee status and any associated debts for the study period.
Enrolment Has the same meaning as defined in the Policy.
Enrolment Amendment Form (EAF) A form used by a student to request an enrolment amendment. Students will use this form where circumstances outside their control cause a student to fail to complete all unit requirements or withdraw from units after the census date. A successful request removes the grade for the unit and the student is issued with a refund or remission of HELP debt.
Equivalent Full-time Study Load (EFTSL) EFTSL represents the workload of a full-time student over an academic year, with 1.0 EFTSL equivalent to the workload of a full-time student undertaking a year of study.
FEE-HELP A Commonwealth loan scheme designed to assist eligible fee-paying students with the payment of their tuition fees for higher education courses. Available to Australian citizens, New Zealand citizens, or holders of a permanent humanitarian visa enrolled in approved undergraduate, postgraduate, or bridging courses, with students incurring a loan for the amount covered. This loan is repaid through the Australian taxation system once the student’s income reaches a certain threshold.
Full-Time Load A standard full-time load is 24 credit points (cp) or 1 EFTSL per year. This is equivalent to 12cp in a semester or college teaching period or 6cp in any other teaching period. Students enrolled in 75% or more of a full course load in a teaching period are considered to be full-time for that teaching period. This aligns with the full-time load required by Services Australia to receive Austudy or Youth Allowance.
HECS-HELP A Commonwealth loan scheme in Australia that assists eligible students with the payment of their tuition fees for Commonwealth supported places (CSPs) in higher education courses. Available to Australian citizens, New Zealand citizens, or holders of a permanent humanitarian visa enrolled in eligible undergraduate or postgraduate courses, HECS-HELP covers part or all of the student’s tuition fees. The student incurs a HECS-HELP debt for the amount covered, which is repaid through the Australian taxation system once the student’s income reaches a certain threshold.
HELP Debt Refers to the amount owed by Australian citizens or permanent humanitarian visa holders undertaking higher education studies. This debt encompasses tuition fees, which are loaned by the government and repaid once a student reaches a certain income threshold.
International Student Has the same meaning as defined in the Policy.
Intermission Also known as a Leave of Absence. An approved period of leave from study after an International student has enrolled in a course.
Maximum Course Duration Has the same meaning as defined in the Policy.
Major A sequence of units approved as a major by Academic Board.
Minor A sequence of units approved as a minor by Academic Board.
MyUC Online portal which allows students to enrol in units and majors, arrange their timetable, create a study plan, view upcoming exams and assessments, access unit outlines and course progress, pay fees, complete student forms.
Non-Award Course A program of study which does not lead to an award of the University and which comprises a unit which is from an award course at the University.
Non-Award Student A student undertaking a structured program of learning which does not lead to a qualification accredited under the Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF).  This includes students in the in UC Connect, UC Prep, English Language Courses (ELICOS) International Foundation Studies Program, and the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Foundation Program.
Non-Award Unit A unit undertaken at the University that does not contribute to an award.
Non-International Student Visa Visas without minimum study requirements, for example, Sub class 995.
Non-Standard Teaching Periods Teaching periods other than standard teaching periods which include study blocks, summer/winter terms, trimesters, MBA periods, UC periods, College trimesters, ELICOS and Vietnam periods.
Notice of Intention to Report (NOIR) A letter sent to international students to inform them that the University intends to report them to the Department responsible for Immigration usually due to the student being non-compliant with their Student Visa.
Official Documentation Includes, but is not restricted to the academic transcript, Australian Higher Education Graduation Statement (AHEGS), and testamur.
Part-Time Load Students enrolled in less than 75% of the full time load (as described in these definitions) in a teaching period are considered to be part-time for that teaching period.
Postgraduate Student A student enrolled in a Graduate Certificate, Graduate Diploma, Masters, Professional Doctorate or a Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) at the University of Canberra.
Quota The maximum number of students permitted to enrol in a unit.
Remission of Debt Removal of tuition debt resulting from a successful appeal against a student’s enrolment after the census date of a teaching period.
Requisites Prerequisite: A requirement (unit) that must be completed before a student is allowed to enrol in a more advanced unit. Prerequisites ensure that students have the necessary background knowledge, skills, or qualifications to succeed in the next level of study.
Co-requisite: A unit or set of requirements that may be completed either prior to or at the same time as another unit. Co-requisites ensure that students have the necessary knowledge or skills to succeed in a unit.
Register of Courses (Digital Handbook) Has the same meaning as defined in the Policy.
Student Has the same meaning as defined in the Policy.
Study Plan Has the same meaning as defined in the Policy.
Teach Out Where a course has been closed to new admissions. New students may enrol in the course, but existing students have the opportunity to complete their studies.
Teaching Period Has the same meaning as defined in the Policy.
Testamur Has the same meaning as defined in rule 11 of the University of Canberra (Conferring of Awards) Rules 2022.
Undergraduate Student A student enrolled in a Diploma, Bachelor, Honours, or Associate Degree at the University of Canberra or the University of Canberra College.
Unique Student Identifier (USI) The Unique Student Identifier (known as a USI) is a unique reference number that will be a student’s education identifier for life. It is issued by the Australian Government to any domestic or international student enrolled in recognised training or higher education in Australia.
Unit Has the same meaning as defined in the Policy.
Unit Breach Where a student fails to successfully enrol into a unit because they do not meet the unit rules.
Variation of Course Requirements (VCR) Has the same meaning as defined in the Policy.