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Unit Outline Procedure
1. Purpose:
  1. This Procedure:
    1. outlines how the University of Canberra (the University) compiles, formats and publishes unit outline information
    2. provides the minimum requirements for unit outlines, including unit particulars, content, teaching methods, assessment information and important policy information to students
    3. supports the Assessment Policy and adheres to Standard 7.2.2(d) of the Higher Education Standards Framework (Threshold Standards) 2021.
2. Scope:
  1. This Procedure applies to all unit offerings delivered by the University of Canberra (the University) and the University of Canberra College (UCC), including third-party providers (TPPs).
  2. This Procedure also applies where multiple offerings of the same unit each require their own unit outline.
3. Procedure:
Unit outline information
  1. Unit outline information is the official and approved information about a unit offering. It includes information that must be provided to current and prospective students. University staff, professional accreditation bodies, external review bodies and employers also use unit outline information to understand the content that students will learn if they successfully complete the unit.
  2. Unit outline information includes, as a minimum:
    1. the unit description
    2. the learning outcomes of the unit and their link to the University’s graduate attributes as found in the Graduate Attributes Policy and the Higher Degree by Research (HDR) Graduate Attributes Policy
    3. how the unit is delivered and assessed
    4. the specific requirements that students must meet to complete the unit successfully
    5. relevant policy information, student support services and student rights or responsibilities
    6. information specific to the unit that is not covered in other clauses in this Procedure.
  3. The curriculum management system contains the official unit outline information.
  4. Prior to the commencement of each academic year, and more frequently if required, the Academic Quality and Standards Committee (AQSC) will determine the information which, in addition to the requirements in this Procedure, constitutes official unit outline information. Such information may be in addition to the minimum requirements of this Procedure.
  5. Faculties will ensure that each unit offering has its own unit outline which reflects the unique nature of each unit offering. Unit offerings are determined by location, mode of delivery, academic year and teaching period.
Assessment items
  1. Unit outline information will include information on all summative assessment items and hurdle requirements covering, as a minimum:
    1. the assessment type (for example, essay, exam, presentation, ePortfolio)
    2. length (if appropriate)
    3. due date
    4. how assessments are delivered (if important to highlight a requirement for on-campus attendance)
    5. the specific learning outcomes and graduate attributes addressed by each item
    6. the weighting of the assessment
    7. if satisfactory completion of the item is required to pass the unit, and the characteristics of satisfactory completion.
  2. Information on assessment items must match the information published on the students’ learning management system.
Other unit outline information
  1. Where applicable, the unit outline information will include:
    1. the learning activities that may be available in the unit – for example, lectures, tutorials, online resources, discussion forums, work-integrated learning and any other activities – together with guidance about how best to use or attend these activities to succeed in the unit
    2. combined teaching arrangements
    3. information about re-submissions, late penalties, extensions and participation requirements, as reflected in the Assessment Policy and Procedure and faculty processes
    4. student responsibilities regarding assessment, such as learner engagement, participation and required IT skills
    5. system and software requirements
    6. safety requirements (such as personal protective equipment)
    7. examination requirements and permitted materials
    8. any other relevant details, such as advice on changes to a unit made in response to student feedback.
Unit outline submission

Approval of unit outline information
  1. The Associate Dean (Education) (ADE) will ensure that quality assurance systems are in place to provide high-quality, accurate unit outline information to students. This will include procedures for the moderation and review of unit outline information.
  2. Moderation of unit outline information is completed before entering the draft into the proposal system. Where appropriate, assessment rubrics will be included in the moderation of unit outline information.
  3. If the Unit Convener has entered the unit outline information in the unit outline proposal system and it has not yet been moderated, they must arrange moderation by a suitable member of academic staff, in line with faculty procedures.
  4. Details of moderation are entered into the unit outline proposal system before the submission to the faculty reviewer.
  5. Where a unit is core in more than one course, the relevant Course Convener(s) (or equivalent) will review the unit outline information to ensure alignment with the course.
  6. For each unit, a suitable senior academic staff member (as determined by Faculty procedures) will be designated to review the unit outline information and verify that the unit outline information is complete and compliant with relevant University policy and procedures. Unit outline approvers are recorded in the student management system by Student Connect as advised by the faculty.
Absence of Unit Convener
  1. Where a Unit Convener is not available to prepare and submit unit outline information by the required deadline, the Associate Dean (Education) will ensure an appropriate Course Convener (or equivalent) (or suitable academic staff member) will complete a unit outline information proposal.
  1. Unit Conveners must enter official unit outline information that is not already present or common across all unit offerings through the unit outline proposal system. The system also provides workflow and record keeping for the approval of unit outline information.
  2. Unit Conveners must submit unit outline information at least 3 weeks before the commencement of the teaching period (an increase of one week over the previous version of this Procedure). This aligns with current University practice and allows enough time for one week of moderation and for the Business Support and Innovation team to publish 2 weeks before commencement of the teaching period.
Publication of unit outline information
  1. Unit outline information for all units is stored in the curriculum management system and must be published in the University’s Digital Handbook.
  2. The AQSC will determine format(s) for the publication of official unit outline information.
  3. Where unit outline information is provided in locations other than the Digital Handbook, faculties must ensure that the duplicate accurately reflects the information published in the Digital Handbook.
  4. Unit outline information must be published to students at least 2 weeks before the commencement of the teaching period (Week 1) in which the unit is offered.
  5. Official unit outline information is complemented by information contained in the learning management system, where links are provided to University policies and procedures relevant to students.
Monitoring of unit outline publication dates
  1. The Portfolio of the Deputy Vice-Chancellor & Vice-President (Academic) (DVCA), via Student Connect, will regularly update faculties on the status of unit outline information publication in the lead up to teaching periods.
  2. After the commencement of each teaching period (Semester 1, Winter Term and Semester 2), the Deputy Vice-Chancellor & Vice-President (Academic) (DVCA) will provide the Academic Quality and Standards Committee (AQSC) and Academic Board with a report on unit outline publications.
Late publication of unit outline information
  1. Unit Conveners must provide unit outline information by the submission due dates published by Student Connect. Once the publication deadline has passed, Student Connect directs unit outline information enquiries to Unit Conveners. To reduce administrative burden and potential stress on students, Unit Conveners must meet the submission deadline.
Changes to unit outline information
  1. Unit outline information may be changed after publication. Faculties are responsible for resubmitting unit outlines and (depending on the nature of the change) seeking approval from the majority of enrolled students if changes are needed after publication.
  2. Changes common to all unit offerings will be arranged by Student Connect, and may involve the University’s Service Desk or Web Team depending on the changes required.
  3. Unit Conveners will enter any changes to their unit offerings through the curriculum management system. The ADE may require moderation of the changes. The ADE is the only authority to approve these proposals.
  4. Changes to unit information will require normal approvals for such changes.
  5. Unit Conveners will notify students in writing about updated unit outlines.
Units delivered by third-party providers
  1. Where a unit offering is delivered by a third-party provider (TTP), unit outline information may be published, in whole or in part, on the partner’s learning management system per the partner agreement. In this case, the faculty will request access to the site for the unit offering, review it, and ensure that the information provided is of high quality and comparable to that published by the University.
Record retention
  1. Once approved, unit outline information, including workflow, moderation and approval information, will be kept in the curriculum management system.
  2. Further information on record retention and marking guides can be found in the:
    1. Assessment Policy
    2. Assessment Procedure.
  3. Unit outlines created prior to 2015 are retained in accordance with relevant legislation.
4. Roles and Responsibilities:
Academic Standards and Quality Committee (AQSC)
  • Approving these procedures, and any exceptions.
  • Determining official unit outline information requirements at least once per year.
  • Determining the format(s) of publication of official unit outline information at least once per year.
Associate Deans (Education) (ADE)
  • Ensuring faculty systems are in place for the provision of high quality, accurate official unit outline information to students.
  • Acting as faculty approver for unit outline information, if required.
  • Arranging for a suitable academic staff member to undertake the duties of Unit Convener where that convener is not available.
  • Being the only authority to approve proposals for changes to unit outline information post-publication submitted by a Unit Convener.
Faculty Board/Curriculum Committee/Academic Board
  • Approving relevant unit revisions.
Academic Course Conveners (or equivalent) or academic course advisor
  • Reviewing unit outline information for core units within their course, for alignment with the course learning outcomes.
  • Undertaking the responsibilities of the Unit Convener for entry of unit outline information if the Unit Convener is absent and not able to enter the information by the due date.
Director, Student Connect
  • Being the business owner of the unit outline proposal system.
  • Ensuring faculty practice on matters of re-submission, late penalties and absences are included in unit outline information.
  • Ensuring the provision of unit outline information clearly identifies the unique nature of each unit offering to students.
  • Requesting access to any unit outline information provided on the learning management system of a third-party provider and reviews this information for quality.
  • Ensuring official unit outline information is consolidated into one publication (where published across multiple platforms).
Heads of discipline (or equivalent)
  • Acting as the faculty approver for unit outline information (except for proposals for changes to unit outline information post-publication submitted by a Unit Convener) as determined by faculty processes.
Portfolio of the Deputy Vice-Chancellor & Vice-President (Academic), via Learning & Teaching
  • Providing advice to AQSC on the educational value of the nature and format of unit outline information.
  • Accessing published unit outline information in full, including assessment due dates and requirements, and seeking clarification from the Unit Convener if necessary.
Student Connect
  • Publishing approved Unit Outlines on the Digital Handbook.
  • Regularly updating faculties on the status of unit outline information publication in the lead up to standard teaching periods.
  • Publishing dates for submission of unit outlines:
  • Recording and maintaining unit outline approver details in curriculum management system.
  • Facilitating requested system changes to unit outline template, including common information such as standardised text and policy information.
Unit Conveners
  • Entering unit outline information into the unit outline proposal system.
  • Submitting unit outline information at least 3 weeks prior to the commencement date of teaching period.
  • Arranging for moderation of unit outline information, in line with faculty practice. Enters information on moderation into the unit outline proposal system.
  • Arranging for review of unit outline information by a Course Convener (if academic) or academic course advisor, if required. Enters information on this review into the unit outline proposal system.
  • Entering any approved changes to unit outline information post-publication through the unit outline proposal system, including resubmitting unit outlines to reflect approved changes
  • Ensuring hard copies of consolidated unit outline information are provided to students when requested.
  • Ensuring that marking guides are provided to students with sufficient notice prior to the due date of assessment items.
  • Notifying students about changes to unit outline information.
Unit Outline Approver
  • Approves unit outline for publication at least 2 weeks before the commencement of a teaching period.
6. Supporting Information:
Policies and procedures
  1. The following policies and procedures support this Procedure:
    1. Assessment Policy
    2. Assessment Procedure
    3. Disability Policy
    4. Graduate Attributes Policy
    5. Higher Degree by Research (HDR) Graduate Attributes Policy.
University resources
  1. The following University resources support this Procedure:
    1. Unit Outlines (Staff Portal page).
External resources
  1. The following external resources support this Procedure:
    1. HESF Domain 7: Representation, Information and Information Management (TEQSA).
7. Definitions:
Graduate Attributes Skills, qualities, knowledge and competencies that students are expected to develop and demonstrate upon completing their academic program or degree at the University.
Learning Management System (LMS) Delivers, manages and tracks units and courses at the University. It is a centralised digital environment where staff can create and deliver course content, facilitate communication and collaboration, administer assessments and monitor student progress. Students can access course materials, participate in discussions, submit assignments and track their learning outcomes.
Publication Deadline At least 2 weeks prior to the commencement date of the teaching period. This deadline provides one week from the submission deadline for moderators and approvers to review unit outlines, and for Student Connect to then publish so that the information is viewable to students 2 weeks before students commence a unit.
Relevant Delegated Authority Includes:
  • Academic Board
  • Associate Dean (Education) (ADE)
  • Curriculum Committee
  • Faculty Board.
Standard Teaching Periods Semester 1, Semester 2, and Winter Term.
Submission Deadline At least 3 weeks before the commencement of a teaching period. This deadline requires unit Conveners to submit unit outline information to then enable approvers to review the unit outline information and approve by publication deadline.
Third Party Providers (TPPs) External entities, including partners which deliver educational programs, courses, or services in collaboration with the University, which complement the offerings of the University.
Curriculum Management / Unit Outline Proposal System This is currently Callista Proposals. As at the Approval Date for this policy, the University is in the process of procuring a Curriculum Management System.