Please note: You can call the Security chaperone service on 6201 2222, anytime, to accompany you to your vehicle or to another building on campus.
CHECK CONSENT, EVERYTIME. Make No Doubt. Have a look at these helpful consent resources from NSW Government, that explain consent, how to check consent, consent and the law, as well as other support services.
Do you have it? Do the people that you are intimate with…
- Ask what you want when it comes to sex & respect your boundaries? Most sexual assaults are committed by someone the person knows. No one should pressure you into doing anything sexual, or harm you physically.
- Support your independence and interests? No one should keep you from your social life, work, or educational goals.
Sex should feel good for all partners and healthy relationships are ones that are supportive.
Important Numbers:
Domestic Violence Crisis Service Canberra: 24hrs crisis line 02 6280 0900
Canberra Rape Crisis Centre: 02 6247 2525
SAMSSA Support for men who have experienced sexual assault or past abuse: 02 6247 2525
UC Medical & Counselling: 02 6201 2351
Life line: 13 11 14
ACT Policing: Non-immediate response 131 444
Emergencies: 000
Sexual Health & Family Planning has information brochures related to many relevant topics, from Cervical Screening, STI'S through to contraception. Have a look at their website for more information.
Canberra Sexual Health Centre is a specialist clinic providing professional and non-judgmental care & provide free testing and treatment for sexually transmitted infections (STI) and are the region’s largest HIV outpatient service.
The University of Canberra Medical Centre provides free condoms & STI checks for all UC students. Book an appointment with a GP for further information by calling 6201 2351, or online, using the HOTDOC App.
Our Consent booklet has been written by students for students.