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Early Childhood Australia

Early Childhood Australia is the peak early childhood advocacy organisation, acting in the interests of young children, their families and those in the early childhood field.

Early Childhood Australia- Code of Ethics

The Code of Ethics is a set of statements about appropriate and expected behaviour of early childhood professionals. It reflects current pedagogical research and practice, providing a framework for reflection about the ethical responsibilities of early childhood professionals.

Education and Care Services National Regulations and the Education and Care Services National Law

The National Regulations and Laws outline a number of operational requirements that early childhood education and care settings must adhere to in their day to day operation.

Child Care Subsidy

The Child Care Subsidy is the main way that the Government assists families with their child care fees. There are three factors that determine a family's level of Child Care Subsidy. These are :

  • Combined annual family income
  • Activity test- the activity level of both parents
  • Service type- type of child care service and whether the child attends school.

ACT Government Department of Human Services

We have a range of services and payments to help new parents, including Parental Leave Pay, Dad and Partner Pay, and Baby Bonus

Australian Children's Education and Care Quality Authority

Useful links and information for families

National Quality Framework

The National Quality Framework (NQF) provides a national approach to regulation, assessment and quality improvement for early childhood education and care and outside school hours care services across Australia.

Australian Government National Health and Medical Research Council

Recommended minimum exclusion periods for infectious conditions for schools, pre-schools and child care centres

Parentline - Telephone counselling service

Parentline offers a free telephone counselling service to parents and carers. If you would like to talk with a counsellor about any issue regarding bringing up children and family relationships, please phone us on 6287 3833 between 9am and 5pm


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