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Library News

New bean bags

We have lots of lovely new bean bag chairs on level D, ready for distribution around the Library. We hope that you enjoy them in Semester 2. ...

Screening: Shimmer in the City 11 - July 2019

As part of NAIDOC week, OATSILS and the Library will be showing the 1995 documentary “Shimmer in the City” on the history of contemporary and urban indigenous art. The documentary follows a number of topics including cultural appropriation, showing art outside of Australia, and the v...

NAIDOC Family Day - 7 July 2019

There may be some sound issues in the level B Silent Study area from the NAIDOC Family Day performances and activities between 11am-4pm on Sunday 7th of July.If you can take a take a break from your studies, there will be a range of food stalls and free entertainment available on the Concourse.N...

Thesis collection move

The theses collection is being moved to temporary locations to allow reorganisation and respacing of the collections on level D (top floor). Please ask staff if you need assistance locating a thesis.PhD theses will be located at the end of the Children’s Literature collection, at the front...

Your Library Account

Sign in to your Library account with your UC ID to check or extend your loans, place requests for books on loan, and save searches.You can also access your account from the top right corner of the Library Search screen. ...