UC Sydney Hills

The heart of healthcare education
If you are passionate about helping others and considering a future in nursing, then UC’s Bachelor of Nursing course offers an outstanding industry and globally respected platform from which to launch your nursing career.
This immersive and fully interactive course incorporates the latest national and international interactive teaching and online practice methods while using innovative technological and medical equipment to simulate real-life scenarios.
As part of you this course, you will also undertake multiple clinical placement opportunities and gain valuable insight and experience across a broad range of healthcare service providers.
Successful completion of this course will enable you to become a registered nurse in Australia, and upon graduation, you will have the necessary skills, experience, and qualifications to be recognised as a nursing professional all over the world.
This three-year full-time course can also be studied part-time and is accredited by the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia (NMBA) through the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA).
Go global
Have your qualification recognised in over 160 countries.
Skills development
Gain skills that are versatile across many different fields.
Build a professional network
Acquire a wide range of industry mentors and contacts.
Professionally accredited
By the Australian Nursing and Midwifery Accreditation Council (ANMAC).

Why study nursing with UC Sydney Hills?
Fast growing industry
Strong industry connections
Gain unrivalled access and hands-on experience in leading hospitals, healthcare centres, and private practices across NSW and beyond.
Real-world experiences
Begin your career while you study with hours of clinical placements across a range of local and regional healthcare settings.
Professional recognition
Professionally accredited by ANMAC, graduates are eligible to apply for registration with the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency.
State-of-the-art facilities
Build your skills via our high-tech simulated nursing labs.
5-Star teaching quality
Hear from our students about their UC Bachelor of Nursing experience and how it leads to a rewarding career.
Career opportunities
This course leads directly into becoming eligible for registration as an Australian qualified Registered Nurse. Nursing is a diverse career and a UCSH trained RN can comfortably look for work in the hospital sector, private health care, primary health care, rural and remote health care and military support. An Australian RN qualification is also highly respected internationally and opens the door to numerous nursing employment opportunities overseas.

Registered nurse

Paediatric nurse

Operating room nurse

Aged care nurse

Nurses represent the highest proportion of workers in Australia’s Health Care and Social Assistance sector, which is projected to grow by over 257,000 jobs (or 12.1%) over the five years to May 2028^. However, according to new research, Australia’s supply of nurses is struggling to meet the growing demand, with the latest projections predicting a shortage of 79,473 nurses by 2035*.
The medical and healthcare industry is ranked #1 Australia for being ‘recession-proof’*. Even during an economic downturn, people will always need access to medical care from qualified health professionals.
^Jobsandskills.gov.au, Employment Projections 2023-2028
*Department of Health and Aged Care, Nursing Supply and Demand Study 2023-2035
UC scholarships provides financial assistance and are available to both commencing and continuing students. UC scholarships can assist you with a range of expenses including living costs, textbooks, accommodation, relocation, or contribution towards your fees. Please visit the scholarship page to learn more about our international scholarships and apply online.
UC International Merit Scholarship
UC International High Achiever Scholarship
UC Excellence Scholarships
UC Alumni Scholarships
Learn more about this course, including course information, requirements and how to apply.

Want to find out more about UC Sydney Hills? Get in touch today!
Address: 1 McDougall Lane, Castle Hill NSW 2154
Phone: (02) 9052 8900
Email: UCSydneyHills@canberra.edu.au