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  1. Richard Nicholson

    Athlete in residence inspires UC staff, students

    Paralympian Richard Nicholson’s triumph over adversity has been a source of inspiration for University of Canberra staff and students

    More on Athlete in residence inspires UC staff, students
  2. Jobs on Campus celebrates century

    More than 100 students are gaining valuable on-the-job training while they study as part of the University of Canberra’s Jobs on Campus program

    More on Jobs on Campus celebrates century
  3. UC student Jordan Gusman

    Canberra move bears fruit for UC runner

    Aspiring professional runner and University of Canberra sports media student Jordan Gusman is reaping the rewards of his move to Canberra after a string of impressive results

    More on Canberra move bears fruit for UC runner
  4. UC Advertising Awards

    UC advertising students woo real-life clients

    Advertising students have impressed real-life clients with their creative campaigns at the inaugural University of Canberra Advertising Awards

    More on UC advertising students woo real-life clients
  5. UCU CEO Joe Roff took part in the annual Buroinjin challenge

    Student teachers triumph at inaugural Buroinjin Community Challenge

    A University of Canberra academic is shining the spotlight on the traditional Aboriginal game of Buroinjin

    More on Student teachers triumph at inaugural Buroinjin Community Challenge

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