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Message from the Vice-Chancellor: COVID-19 update 30 March

Dear UC Community,

Today marks the commencement of two class-free weeks for all UC students, except for a few students who will be undertaking essential exams or assessments as advised by their unit convener.

I wish to remind those few students coming onto campus and those in our on-campus accommodation to be vigilant in following the physical distancing measures both indoors and outside. These restrictions, required by the Australian and ACT Governments, are intended to keep both you and others safe and well.

To ensure that the University complies with the latest restrictions announced by the Prime Minister last night for public gatherings in outdoor spaces of two people only, our Security team will be present on campus to safeguard the health and safety of those remaining on campus, and the security of our facilities.

The University has made a few key decisions regarding parking on campus. These are:

  • Casual parking operations have ceased.
  • Current Semester 1 and annual permits will be cancelled.
  • Refunds for Semester 1 and annual permits will be provided with effect from 30 March 2020.
  • All staff and students with fortnightly recurring parking permits will be cancelled with effect from the next deduction cycle.
  • All boom gates to campus parking areas, except carparks 1A, 1B, and 27 will be removed.

As a result, the University will provide free parking for the remainder of Semester 1 for those that are required to attend campus.  At this stage, paid parking will resume in the week commencing 8 June 2020, that is, one week after the virtual campus restrictions are due to end (30 May). We appeal for your patience as we process these refunds.

Medical and counselling services at the University will be transitioning to online video and telephone consultations throughout the COVID-19 crisis. All doctors and counsellors will be available for telehealth appointments from Monday 30 March 2020. further information can be found at

A reminder that you must not come into the Medical Centre if you are presenting with flu or cold symptoms. Rather, make an online telehealth appointment using the online booking facility. This is imperative for your safety and that of the medical team working in our Medical and Counselling Centre.

Please remember to log an incident report should you be tested for COVID-19, or be required to home-isolate. This will help us provide the care and support you may require during this time.

Up to date information and advice can be found on our dedicated COVID-19 site.

Your patience and cooperation in helping us make the move to a virtual campus have been greatly appreciated. Please stay connected with your unit conveners and tutors, and remember to look after yourselves, and your friends and family.

Warm wishes

Vice-Chancellor and President