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UC staff recognised at Rotary Vocational Excellence Awards

Newsroom staff

13 January 2016: Four University of Canberra staff members have been acknowledged for their dedication to their work by the Rotary Club of Ginninderra.

Tanika Morris, Thomas Bevitt, Lucy Gledhill and Joelle Le each received Excellence in Vocational Service Awards at a ceremony late last year, after being nominated by colleagues and members of the community.

The University's director of People and Diversity, Kirsty Dwyer, said she was delighted to see so many staff rewarded for their hard work.

"We are thankful to Rotary for their ongoing support of the University and for acknowledging the individuals who make the University a great place to work," she said.

Tanika Morris, from the Faculty of Health's administrative support team, was recognised for her willingness to take on new and challenging tasks and high quality contributions to her team.

Occupational therapy practice educator Thomas Bevitt, also from the faculty of health, was awarded for his extensive community networking, which has increased national and international placement opportunities for students.

Lucy Gledhill, assistant manager at student administration, was recognised for her integral part in the recruitment, training and support of student centre casual staff.

Educational designer and technologist Joelle Le, from the learning information and environments team, was recognised for her high quality professional service to staff and students.