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UC steps up to raise over $22K for cerebral palsy

Vanessa Lam

14 April 2016: A dedicated group of University of Canberra staff have raised more than $22,000 for the Cerebral Palsy Alliance by taking part in Steptember.

Steptember challenges people to take 10,000 steps a day for 28 days in September, with participants wearing pedometers to track their performance.

It was the first time the University took part in the event, which challenges workplaces to be more active. 296 participants, making up 74 teams, signed up for the challenge and hit the pavement taking more than 60 million steps and raising $22,346.14.

The total, raised last year, saw the University named as the third highest fundraiser in the ACT.

Cerebral Palsy Alliance fundraising and event support manager, Nathalie Maconachie visited the University to present an award thanking the University for its support.

Ms Maconachie said it was fantastic to have the University take part in the event.

"We rely completely on fundraising income to provide services. We provide many of our services for free without government funding, so if we didn't have people like UC fundraising for us we wouldn't be able to provide the support we do," Ms Maconachie said.

The Cerebral Palsy Alliance provides family-centred therapies, life skills programs, equipment and support for more than 200 people living with cerebral palsy and their families in the ACT and surrounding region.

The funds raised will go towards providing much-needed services, support, new equipment, therapy and research into treatments for cerebral palsy.