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UC recognised as a leader in gender equality

Amanda Jones

12 November 2014: The University of Canberra's commitment to gender equality in the workplace has been recognised by being named an Employer of Choice for Gender Equality (EOCGE).

The University is one of only 76 organisations in the country to receive the prestigious citation and one of only two in the ACT.


The University of Canberra has been named an Employer of Choice for Gender Equality. Photo: Michelle McAulay

The inaugural citation, awarded by the Workplace Gender Equality Agency, is designed to encourage, recognise and promote active commitment to achieving gender equality in Australian workplaces.

It replaces the Equal Opportunity for Women in the Workplace Agency (EOWA) Employer of Choice for Women, which the University has received each year since 2007.

Vice-Chancellor Professor Stephen Parker said the University has a strong tradition of promoting and achieving gender equity in the workplace.

"The University is proud of its record as an Employer of Choice for Women and is equally delighted to receive this new citation," Professor Parker said. "We are committed to creating a safe, supportive, inclusive and equitable workplace where all contributions are valued."

Some of the examples of the University's commitment to gender equality in the workplace include a paid parental leave scheme which may be taken by the primary care-giver whether female or male, paid partner leave and flexible working arrangements to accommodate family commitments.

In addition to being an Employer of Choice for Gender Equality, the University is also a White Ribbon Accredited Workplace and a Breastfeeding Friendly Workplace.