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ACT reforms bring billion-dollar boost to UC

Claudia Doman

19 December 2014: More than $1 billion worth of development can now get underway at the University of Canberra, following today's historic announcement by the ACT Chief Minister of legislative changes to allow the University to diversify and grow, generate jobs and boost the local economy.

New Chief Minister Andrew Barr MLA announced on campus this morning that the University of Canberra Act 1989 will be modernised in the new year to help the University expand its campus, supporting a range of education and research opportunities as well as furthering its connections with the community.

The University has more than $1billion worth of development in a preliminary agreement stage that could now move forward to a contract stage as a result of the legislative change.

campus development

ACT Chief Minister Andrew Barr and UC Vice-Chancellor Stephen Parker talk to a local campus baker at the announcement. Photo: Claudia Doman

Among the current investments ready to go through to contract stage are a mixture of residential housing, private health facilities that would cluster around the new University of Canberra Public Hospital, aged care and independent living providers as well as a technology park that will bring businesses onto campus.

University of Canberra Vice-Chancellor Professor Stephen Parker welcomed the changes to the Act, which will give the University more flexibility in leasing and building on areas of campus.

"This is a really significant day in the history of the University of Canberra. The development that we will be able to undertake on campus now will give us a financially sustainable future and will also position us as a leading campus moving forward," Professor Parker said.

"This development will bring a significant increase in jobs and third-party investment into the ACT. Having residential apartments on campus might also attract people interested in sharing the University's sporting facilities such as our Sporting Commons or the unique environment that a campus provides, as happens in other universities around the world."

He added that the potential of becoming a partner in some of these ventures will strengthen the University's position, cementing itself as a vital component of the nation's capital.

Professor Parker said the relationship the University has built with the ACT Government and Chief Ministers over the years has been crucial in being able to reach this stage.

"First Jon Stanhope and Katy Gallagher and now Andrew Barr have all agreed with the vision that we have for this university, they see what we can do for Canberra," he said. "They've been fully supportive and I'm grateful to them."