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  1. UC signs agreement to build aged care facility on campus

    The University of Canberra’s campus development is under way with an agreement to be signed TODAY with Moran Australia (Residential Aged Care) to build an aged care facility.

    More on UC signs agreement to build aged care facility on campus
  2. PNG students remember the days of the new schoolyard

    School attendance is on the rise in one Papua New Guinea (PNG) school and its new playground could be the reason behind the change. A University of Canberra-led international research collaboration has found that something as simple as building playgrounds at a school can make a difference in children attending school regularly.

    More on PNG students remember the days of the new schoolyard
  3. Renowned coach shares distance running insights in new book

    Legendary distance running coach, sports scientist and University of Canberra researcher Dick Telford AM shares his philosophy and insights behind his 30-year-long career in a new book to be launched tonight.

    More on Renowned coach shares distance running insights in new book
  4. Education grows from the STEM at UC’s new research centre

    A new research centre aiming to boost the teaching and learning of science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) will open its doors at the University of Canberra this evening.

    More on Education grows from the STEM at UC’s new research centre
  5. World-leading research growing stronger at UC

    The University of Canberra continues to grow in strength as a research-led institution with an increasing number of areas rated as world-leading in the Excellence in Research for Australia (ERA) results announced today.

    More on World-leading research growing stronger at UC

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