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Latest Media Releases

  1. UC Elite Athletes awarded scholarships worth $120,000

    Twelve elite athletes at the University of Canberra have received $10 000 scholarships towards their studies for 2022, through the Eldon and Anne Foote Trust valued at $120,000.

    More on UC Elite Athletes awarded scholarships worth $120,000
  2. UC No. 1 in the world for reducing inequalities, for the second year running

    UC has retained top global placing in the 2022 Times Higher Education Impact Rankings for reducing inequalities for the second year in a row.

    More on UC No. 1 in the world for reducing inequalities, for the second year running
  3. UC researcher presents leading space technology to NASA Johnson Space Centre

    A University of Canberra researcher has placed Australia firmly on the global space stage after delivering technology he and his team at UC developed to the NASA Johnson Space Centre.

    More on UC researcher presents leading space technology to NASA Johnson Space Centre
  4. UC launches first of its kind, student-led legal clinic

    The University of Canberra is now offering vulnerable citizens access to legal advice, assistance and justice, through its new student-led legal clinic, Citizen Centred Justice (CCJ).

    More on UC launches first of its kind, student-led legal clinic

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