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  1. Leading Indigenous educator Chris Sarra to join UC

    Highly regarded Indigenous educator, former school principal and founder of the Stronger Smarter Institute Chris Sarra will join the University of Canberra as a Professor of Education.

    More on Leading Indigenous educator Chris Sarra to join UC
  2. Indigenous Internet increases inclusion: UC lecture

    Professor Peter Radoll will deliver the Don Aitkin Lecture - Indigenising the Internet, TONIGHT

    More on Indigenous Internet increases inclusion: UC lecture
  3. Super not so super after all for women over 50: UC research

    Women over 50 will be the worst hit as a result of the Federal Government's changes to superannuation unveiled in the Budget, according to analysis by the University of Canberra's National Centre for Social and Economic Modelling

    More on Super not so super after all for women over 50: UC research
  4. University of Canberra College appoints new director

    The University of Canberra College has appointed experienced international higher education leader Jo Asquith as its director and principal

    More on University of Canberra College appoints new director
  5. Extra kilos equal extra risk in pregnancy: UC research

    Women who gain weight between pregnancies face increased risks of health problems for themselves and their babies according to an Australian first study by University of Canberra researchers

    More on Extra kilos equal extra risk in pregnancy: UC research

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