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  1. UC staff, students and alumni shine at Design Canberra

    Live art, three dimensional modelling and an interactive temporary wall at a popular Canberra nightspot are some of the highlights from University of Canberra designers to feature at this year’s Design Canberra festival

    More on UC staff, students and alumni shine at Design Canberra
  2. UC honours alumnae, raises funds for breast cancer research

    A spring breakfast to honour alumnae who are changing the world has helped raise more than $8,600 to support cancer research at the University of Canberra

    More on UC honours alumnae, raises funds for breast cancer research
  3. UC lecture: Setting the course for Australia’s economic future

    Australia’s most respected and renowned economic commentator Saul Eslake, will discuss the future of the Australian economy at a University of Canberra public lecture

    More on UC lecture: Setting the course for Australia’s economic future
  4. No butts about it, UC goes completely tobacco free

    The University of Canberra has gone completely tobacco-free in a move to improve the health and wellbeing of all campus users, Vice-Chancellor and President Professor Deep Saini announced

    More on No butts about it, UC goes completely tobacco free
  5. UC's IoT network improves National Arboretum’s forest care

    A bespoke online network created by University of Canberra researchers has been installed at the National Arboretum Canberra

    More on UC's IoT network improves National Arboretum’s forest care

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