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Latest Media Releases

  1. New guide helping international students eat healthy

    A new resource is helping international students at the University of Canberra prepare and cook healthy meals

    More on New guide helping international students eat healthy
  2. UC research: can sports tape ease hip pain in women?

    Research underway at the University of Canberra is investigating whether sports tape can ease hip pain in females

    More on UC research: can sports tape ease hip pain in women?
  3. UC celebrates IWD with bold new blog on gender equality

    The University of Canberra's 50/50 by 2030 Foundation will launch its incisive new blog on gender equity BroadAgenda on International Women's Day

    More on UC celebrates IWD with bold new blog on gender equality
  4. Canberra to lead the way putting kids’ health first

    An international forum being held at the University of Canberra will address how to make Canberra a lead city for healthy children

    More on Canberra to lead the way putting kids’ health first
  5. Universities need to evolve or risk becoming irrelevant: UC lecture

    A leading tertiary education expert will use a public lecture at the University of Canberra to outline the challenges facing universities in the next few decades

    More on Universities need to evolve or risk becoming irrelevant: UC lecture

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