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  1. Caring for our educators – new partnership to improve wellbeing in early childhood workforce

    UC has partnered with Communities at Work, to address high levels of distress and depression in early childhood professionals.

    More on Caring for our educators – new partnership to improve wellbeing in early childhood workforce
  2. ACT residents happier than other regions, new report shows

    People living in Canberra and the close surrounding regions are happier, on average, than Australians living in other areas of the country.

    More on ACT residents happier than other regions, new report shows
  3. Excellence celebrated: Changemaking UC alumni recognised at Distinguished Alumni Awards 2022

    Held at the University of Canberra’s inaugural Night of Nights celebration, the awards recognised the amazing contributions of alumni in their sectors and communities.

    More on Excellence celebrated: Changemaking UC alumni recognised at Distinguished Alumni Awards 2022
  4. Bright early career researchers pitch big ideas

    The University of Canberra has supported its early career researchers, in the annual Brig Research Pitch event.

    More on Bright early career researchers pitch big ideas
  5. Early career researchers solving big world problems

    Five early career researchers have gone head-to-head in the University of Canberra’s annual Big Research Pitch, competing for a share of $14,000 towards their research.

    More on Early career researchers solving big world problems

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