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  1. UC experts available for comment on Federal Budget 2022-23

    Experts from the University of Canberra are available to comment, provide insight and review in their respective fields of expertise, on the Federal Budget 2022-23.

    More on UC experts available for comment on Federal Budget 2022-23
  2. UC welcomes Budget commitments to the University

    The University of Canberra has welcomed funding announcements from the Australian Government, to continue leading in both education and sporting fields.

    More on UC welcomes Budget commitments to the University
  3. University of Canberra and Cisco establish a National Cybersecurity Partnership

    Improving Australia’s cybersecurity resilience is the aim of a new partnership between the University of Canberra and global technology company Cisco.

    More on University of Canberra and Cisco establish a National Cybersecurity Partnership
  4. UC’s new Advanced Engineering Lab to boost skills training in ACT

    A brand-new, state-of-the-art Advanced Engineering Lab at the University of Canberra will significantly boost skills training in the ACT and surrounds, even as it provides students with hands-on, practical ways to engage with new technologies.

    More on UC’s new Advanced Engineering Lab to boost skills training in ACT
  5. Measure It! UC-led study to increase activity levels in heart disease patients nets $500,000 MRFF grant

    A University of Canberra-led study will investigate whether a simple intervention could help increase physical activity levels in cardiac rehabilitation patients, lessening their chances of a repeat heart attack and reducing the load on an overburdened hospital system.

    More on Measure It! UC-led study to increase activity levels in heart disease patients nets $500,000 MRFF grant

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