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  1. UC’s new Bachelor of Science combines flexibility and a strong science core to address skills shortages and increase employment opportunities

    Available from Semester One 2023, the new course will also allow University of Canberra students to self-curate a program of study, explore areas of interest and develop transferable skills.

    More on UC’s new Bachelor of Science combines flexibility and a strong science core to address skills shortages and increase employment opportunities
  2. New book defines a multidisciplinary body of knowledge for robotics

    Co-edited by UC’s Associate Professor Damith Herath, Foundations of Robotics: A Multidisciplinary Approach with Python and ROS is globally unique in its approach – and free for anyone to access.

    More on New book defines a multidisciplinary body of knowledge for robotics
  3. University of Canberra celebrates inaugural Sport Walk of Fame inductees

    Twenty-two University of Canberra alumni have been recognised for their contributions to the sporting industry, and inducted into the University's Sport Walk of Fame.

    More on University of Canberra celebrates inaugural Sport Walk of Fame inductees
  4. UC is on a solar mission with the biggest rooftop solar project in the Territory

    The University of Canberra is committing to sustainability, embarking on the ACT's biggest embedded solar project.

    More on UC is on a solar mission with the biggest rooftop solar project in the Territory
  5. Free first consult for all patients at UC Cancer Wellness Clinic, thanks to Capital Chemist Group donation

    The University of Canberra’s Cancer Wellness Clinic will offer 250 patients a free initial consult, thanks to support from the Capital Chemist Group. 

    More on Free first consult for all patients at UC Cancer Wellness Clinic, thanks to Capital Chemist Group donation

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