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  1. Vice-Chancellor announces Independent Assistant Professor Program Review

    The University of Canberra Vice-Chancellor and President, Professor Deep Saini, has today announced an independent review of Contingent-Continuing academic employment—commonly referred to as the Assistant Professor program—to evaluate and improve the program.

    More on Vice-Chancellor announces Independent Assistant Professor Program Review
  2. Gender and Agricultural Research in the spotlight

    How can women in the agricultural sector help eradicate poverty around the world? What drives the transformation of health and nutrition outcomes? How do we bridge the gender gap in agricultural productivity? What role does masculinity play in changing rural economies? These questions will be interrogated at the Seeds of Change Conference from 2 to 4 April.

    More on Gender and Agricultural Research in the spotlight
  3. Research at UC 'well above world standard'

    The University of Canberra’s research disciplines deemed to be above and well-above world class has more than doubled in less than three years, according to a recent government assessment of research excellence.

    More on Research at UC 'well above world standard'
  4. Mainframe Trainee Program taking a vital industry into the future

    Far from being a sunsetting technology, mainframes live assuredly in the high noon of contemporary life – and a partnership between the University of Canberra and Column 72 is creating a new generation of mainframe experts to keep our here and now running.

    More on Mainframe Trainee Program taking a vital industry into the future
  5. Response to Independent Assessment of the 2018–19 fish deaths in the Lower Darling River

    The University of Canberra and the Murray Darling River Science Consortium welcome the release of the Independent Assessment of the fish deaths in the Menindee Lakes in the Lower Darling River.

    More on Response to Independent Assessment of the 2018–19 fish deaths in the Lower Darling River

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