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  1. UC researchers create tech to make return to Earth easier for astronauts

    The University of Canberra has received a new grant for commercialising its research to help astronauts mitigate some of the debilitating effects of weightlessness – technology which also holds amazing promise for people on earth, from athletes to the elderly.

    More on UC researchers create tech to make return to Earth easier for astronauts
  2. Digital News Report Australia 2020: Australians want impartial and independent news

    The Digital News Report: Australia 2020 released by the News and Media Research Centre at the University of Canberra has found that 54 per cent want their news to be impartial and 62 per cent say independent journalism is important for society to function properly.

    More on Digital News Report Australia 2020: Australians want impartial and independent news
  3. UC researchers receive a Commonwealth Government grant to conserve and protect the National Heritage Listed Shine Dome

    The University of Canberra has partnered with the Australian Academy of Science to research and develop an innovative sustainability plan for the National Heritage Listed Canberra landmark, the Shine Dome.

    More on UC researchers receive a Commonwealth Government grant to conserve and protect the National Heritage Listed Shine Dome
  4. Experts work together to solve global water challenges

    Innovation leaders from the University of Canberra (UC), The Australian National University (ANU), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO) and the Commonwealth Government are collaborating to help solve global, national and local water challenges.

    More on Experts work together to solve global water challenges
  5. UC announces further support for students amid COVID-19 pandemic

    The University of Canberra’s Academic Board has approved a recommendation from the UC Student Representative Council to temporarily allow students to withdraw from a unit until the day before the formal exam period commences for Semester 1, 2020.

    More on UC announces further support for students amid COVID-19 pandemic

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