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  1. Reptile sex goes wild in the outback, UC research finds

    A climate-induced change of male dragons into females occurring in the wild has been confirmed for the first time, according to University of Canberra research

    More on Reptile sex goes wild in the outback, UC research finds
  2. Apps a source of comfort for Aussie mums, UC research finds

    Expectant mothers are consulting pregnancy apps, forums and Google to find instant information and support from other mothers in addition to visiting their healthcare professional, new research from the University of Canberra reveals.

    More on Apps a source of comfort for Aussie mums, UC research finds
  3. UC Vice-Chancellor welcomes ANU's new VC

    The Vice-Chancellor of the University of Canberra, Professor Stephen Parker, has welcomed the appointment of Nobel Laureate Professor Brian Schmidt as the next Vice-Chancellor of The Australian National University (ANU), from 1 January 2016.

    More on UC Vice-Chancellor welcomes ANU's new VC
  4. Reinvigorating Canberra’s town centres key to success: UC lecture

    Canberra’s town centres need to be re-energised if they are to remain resilient, National Capital Authority CEO Malcolm Snow will discuss in a public lecture at the University of Canberra on MONDAY.

    More on Reinvigorating Canberra’s town centres key to success: UC lecture
  5. Let’s PLAY: UC resource to help Canberra classrooms get moving

    Getting children moving at an early age so they live healthier, longer lives, is the aim of a new resource developed by University of Canberra researchers

    More on Let’s PLAY: UC resource to help Canberra classrooms get moving

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