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  1. UC facilitates discussion on future of food

    A group of experts gather for the Foodscapes symposium at the University of Canberra investigating the ethics, food networks and the future of the food we eat

    More on UC facilitates discussion on future of food
  2. UC researcher chips away at ice age question

    The impact of climate on the Antarctic ice sheet will soon be determined more accurately thanks to a University of Canberra scientist and colleagues, who are analysing and dating the ice and rocks to assist future environmental modelling.

    More on UC researcher chips away at ice age question
  3. UC’s statement on charges against former staff member

    Police have laid charges against the former staff member for alleged offences committed against students.

    More on UC’s statement on charges against former staff member
  4. First time honours: UC ranked by Times Higher Education

    For the first time in its history, the University of Canberra has been ranked in the prestigious Times Higher Education World University Rankings, confirming its rise among the best universities worldwide.

    More on First time honours: UC ranked by Times Higher Education
  5. University of Canberra Graduations October 2015

    Nearly 1,243 students will receive their degrees in four graduation ceremonies, including an honorary doctorate for Australian Muslim community leader Dr Jamal Rifi.

    More on University of Canberra Graduations October 2015

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