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The Honourable Bill Shorten MP announced as the next University of Canberra Vice-Chancellor and President

5 September 2024. The University of Canberra is pleased to announce the appointment of the Honourable Bill Shorten MP as its seventh Vice-Chancellor and President.  Mr Shorten will commence at the University of Canberra at the beginning of the academic year in 2025.

Former Labor Party leader and Leader of the Opposition Bill Shorten has been the Minister for the National Disability Insurance Scheme and Government Services since June 2022. He will be leaving the Government and politics to take up this new position as Vice-Chancellor.

“It is an honour to announce Bill Shorten as our incoming Vice-Chancellor. He exemplifies the values of offering opportunity to all and reducing inequalities. His advocacy for people with disability and for all who need support sits perfectly with a university that hopes to be the most accessible in Australia,” said Ms Lisa Paul AO PSM, Chancellor of the University of Canberra

Mr Shorten commented that he is excited to be joining the University that has been rated number one in the world for reducing inequalities, and where 40 per cent of graduates are the first in their family to obtain a degree.

“My passion for my current portfolio is reflected in the values of the University, particularly their value of promoting accessibility and equity for all – this is a value very close to my heart,” Mr Shorten said.

“Education changes lives. It is the modern means of how to take someone from disadvantage to advantage in a way nothing else in society can do. Universities have a critical role to play, and I’m excited to join the University of Canberra as Vice-Chancellor and President in February next year.”

“Mr Shorten has spent much of his time over the last 17 years in Canberra and knows it well. I very much look forward to him representing the University, raising our profile and attracting new students,” said Ms Paul.

“I have the highest regard for university staff who create knowledge and share knowledge and everyone who supports that endeavour.  I look forward to being able to support the important work that they do in any way I can,” said Mr Shorten.

“While I will be fully committed to my role as Minister and Member for Maribyrnong until I start with the University of Canberra in February, I very much look forward to meeting staff, students and community at the university next year.”

The University undertook an exhaustive search and a rigorous merit-based selection process, overseen by a Selection Committee of seven.

The Selection Committee was Chaired by the Chancellor and included a sitting Vice-Chancellor, the head of the ACT Public Service, the Chair of Academic Board, the Deputy Chancellor and two other non-executive members of Council. Mr Shorten has been appointed unanimously by the University Council.

Interim Vice-Chancellor Professor Lucy Johnston will continue in the role until Mr Shorten commences with the University in February.

"I look forward to continuing to work with Professor Johnston as Interim Vice-Chancellor and forging ahead in a rapidly evolving higher education environment," said Ms Paul.

Third Party Quotes:

Professor Ian Chubb AC, former Vice-Chancellor and President of the Australian National University and Flinders University said: “A bold but inspired choice. Bill’s long record of commitment to people, to building a better Australia, to consulting and listening before acting, will stand the University of Canberra well as it secures its position in in an unpredictable world.”

Professor Margaret Sheil AO, Vice-Chancellor and President of Queensland University of Technology welcomed the appointment: “At a time when the sector continues to have challenges with both sides of politics it will be good to have someone with Bill’s experience in the mix for Universities Australia. His record of championing those who have endured discrimination and disadvantage and his record of public sector reform make a good fit for the University of Canberra at this time.”

Professor John Dewar AO, current Interim Vice-Chancellor at the University of Wollongong and former Vice-Chancellor of La Trobe said: "Bill Shorten's appointment as the next Vice-Chancellor of UC breaks the mould of VC appointments in Australia in an exciting and innovative way. Bill's policy expertise, his obvious care for people, and his standing in the wider community, point to a bright future for the University of Canberra. Bill will inject new skills and new thinking into the tertiary sector and its peak bodies and bring new dynamism to public debates about tertiary education in Australia."

Professor Stephen Parker AO, former Vice-Chancellor of the University of Canberra said: "This is a very exciting appointment. Bill Shorten will bring unparalleled experience to the role and is the right person to lead the University of Canberra in the next stage of its unique mission. I know the university community will welcome and support him, as do I."

Professor Tom Calma AO former Chancellor of the University of Canberra said: "Bill Shorten is an excellent appointment as the next Vice-Chancellor of UC.  His long history of service to the Australian people focussing on social justice, education and disability services fits seamlessly with UC as a civic university and our equity, service and inclusivity values.”