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Farmers twice as likely to suffer psychological distress: UC report

5 November 2015: A new report by the University of Canberra shows that while Australian farmers are economically efficient producers, they also experience unique challenges to their wellbeing.

The Farmers and agriculture report author Dr Jacki Schirmer drew on data from 3,700 Australian farmers who took part in the 2014 Regional Wellbeing Survey to produce a snapshot of how those who work the land for a living are coping.

“While many Australian farmers are going well, with positive wellbeing and experiencing good farming conditions, that’s not the case for everyone,” Dr Schirmer said. “What is particularly concerning is that farmers are twice as likely as those outside farming to be experiencing moderate to high levels of psychological distress.

“The data shows that farmers in Queensland, much of which is currently experiencing severe drought, as well as crop growers, wine grape, and other fruit and vegetable growers and those making a loss on the farm are more likely to be suffering high psychological distress.”

Dr Schirmer said the financial situation on the farm is important to wellbeing.

“Just under half of all our farmers surveyed are profitable and another 20 per cent is covering their costs, but about 32 per cent is losing money each year and finding it hard to service their debts,” she said.

The report shows farmers commonly report facing numerous barriers to the successful development of their farm, including:

  • rising input costs (82 per cent of Australian farmers)
  • falling prices (74 per cent)
  • drought (70 per cent)
  • lack of adequate telecommunications infrastructure (63 per cent)
  • red tape (62 per cent)
  • rising electricity costs (62 per cent)

Among farmers in northern New South Wales and Queensland, the effects of the current drought topped the list of challenges their farm faces and these farmers reported higher levels of distress and financial problems.

Dr Schirmer added that more than a quarter of the farmers surveyed said they are likely to leave farming in the next five years; this was particularly high among wine grape growers.

“In 2014, many wine grape growers were experiencing difficult times, while dairy farmers and rice growers were more likely to be doing well.

“We also surveyed more than 600 people who had recently left their farm: 83 per cent felt that leaving was the right move for them, and only 19 per cent wished they hadn’t left farming,” Dr Schirmer said. “More than half reported that leaving the farm was a stressful experience.”

The 2015 Regional Wellbeing Survey is now open, and Australians living in rural and regional areas are encouraged to take part by completing the survey at, or by calling 1800 981 499 to have a copy of the survey posted to them.